Hello dear friends of @danceandmusic, I miss you already💚, I hope you are having a productive week. I had some days when I did not share anything, but as they say in my country "the good son returns home", and what better way to do it than in this beautiful community full of good energy, so today I was encouraged to share with you a super dance to the song "Mi Mi Mi", which by the way is very funny. For me, each choreography is a story, and as I mentioned before, dancing is not my best virtue, but lately it has become my best hobby.
@diegopadilla es mi compañero de baile ya que no tengo la oportunidad de invitar a otra persona a bailar porque por la pandemia casi no salgo y no puedo estar con mis amigos como antes, pero siempre disfruto de su compañía y de sus "pasos prohibidos" jajajaja.
@diegopadilla is my dance partner since I don't have the opportunity to invite another person to dance because due to the pandemic I hardly go out and I can't be with my friends like before, but I always enjoy his company and his "forbidden steps" LOL.

I hope you like it and laugh as much as we do. And remember that "life is better lived when we do it dancing."
Gracias a @donatello por la oportunidad que nos brinda en @danceandmusic.
Thanks to @donatello for the opportunity he gives us at @danceandmusic.