Dance with shemZee and EARN STEEM -THIS IS THE STREET - original song by@shemZee

Dear friends,
This is a song I composed and recorded recently with the help of my friend Yavor who played the guitar parts.
I recorded the vocals and did the rest of the instrumental. I also created a video using royalty-free video clips from pixabay and pexels.
For this song I used a poem by Hristo Smirnenski and turned it into a hip-hop song. I felt that the original rhythm of the words in Bulgarian fitted perfectly for hip-hop. Smirnenski died in 1923 /100 years ago/ and had never heard hip-hop during his lifetime, but his poetry fits the genre without changing a single word.

Firstly, both poetry and rap are forms of spoken word art that rely heavily on the rhythm and flow of the language. Smirnenski's poem has a strong and consistent rhythm, which makes it well-suited for adaptation into a rap song.

Secondly, Smirnenski's poem deals with themes that are common in hip-hop, such as social injustice, struggle, and the power of the streets. The vivid imagery and language used in the poem resonate with the experiences of many people who grew up in urban environments, which are often the focus of hip-hop.

English translation of the lyrics:

This is the street—the crowded street
that giggles and cries
through the thousands of passers-by
that reads its strange poem with thunder,
where every verse is a bloody furrow,
written with the chisel of labor
on the black marble of human woes—

this is the street in whose cry
listens to the multifaceted life
and in a daze he pulls his heavy shackles again...
At dawn through purple twilight and cheerful care,
in dove-coloured dust at noon
or among the shadows huge,
which the evening slowly unfolds and stretches:

on the street all this vanity is cracking,
there, many thousands of hearts still beat like that,
a distant ring and a close rumble intertwine,
thunder, tumult, crash, howl and laughter,
and workaday dusted with dust,
and eternal care, drowned in an iron scream!
This is the street! It looks so weak
and so very patient!…

But as soon as among its boredom gray
and a fiery purple robe appeared
draped over his stony shoulders,
as soon as the storm turns, subsides, closes -
oh, in the abysses of gloomy horizons
the stars stop their eternal way,
and, secretly, the world listens:
"This is the street, the street is talking today!"

The original lyrics in Bulgarian.

Това е улицата — улицата многолюдна,
която киска се и плаче
чрез хилядите минувачи,
която с гръм чете поемата си чудна,
де всеки стих е кървава бразда,
написана с длетото на труда
по черний мрамор на неволите човешки —
това е улицата, в чийто вик
заслушва се живота многолик
и шеметен повлича пак оковите си тежки…

В зори през теменужен здрач и бодра нега,
в гълъбоцветен прах на пладне
или сред сенките грамадни,
които бавно вечерта раздипля и протега:

на улицата все таз суета трещи,
там многохилядно сърце все тъй тупти,
преплитат се далечен звън и грохот близък,
гърмежи, врява, трясък, вой и смях,
и делничност, посипана със прах,
и вечна грижовност, удавена в железен писък!

Това е улицата! Толкоз немощна изглежда
и толкоз много търпелива!…
Но щом сред свойта скука сива
възсепне се и огнепурпурна одежда
наметне върху каменните си плещи,
щом бурята завий, затътне, заплющи —
о, в бездните на мрачни кръгозори
звездите спират своя вечен път,
и, притаен, заслушва се светът:
— Това е улицата, улицата днес говори!

Here`s what I need you to do:
Make a video of yourself dancing to THIS song and post a link to it as a comment under this post
25% of the earnings from this post do to @null
25 % of the earnings from this post do to @danceandmusic


Queridos amigos,
Esta es una canción que compuse y grabé recientemente con la ayuda de mi amigo Yavor, quien tocó las partes de guitarra.
Grabé las voces e hice el resto del instrumental. También creé un video usando clips de video libres de regalías de pixabay y pexels.
Para esta canción usé un poema de Hristo Smirnenski y lo convertí en una canción de hip-hop. Sentí que el ritmo original de las palabras en búlgaro encajaba perfectamente con el hip-hop. Smirnenski murió en 1923 /hace 100 años/ y nunca había escuchado hip-hop en su vida, pero su poesía encaja en el género sin cambiar una sola palabra.
¿Por qué?

En primer lugar, tanto la poesía como el rap son formas de arte de la palabra hablada que dependen en gran medida del ritmo y la fluidez del idioma. El poema de Smirnenski tiene un ritmo fuerte y consistente, lo que lo hace ideal para adaptarlo a una canción de rap.

En segundo lugar, el poema de Smirnenski trata temas comunes en el hip-hop, como la injusticia social, la lucha y el poder de las calles. Las imágenes vívidas y el lenguaje utilizado en el poema resuenan con las experiencias de muchas personas que crecieron en entornos urbanos, que a menudo son el foco del hip-hop.

Traduccion de la letra:

Esta es la calle, la calle llena de gente
que ríe y llora
a través de los miles de transeúntes
que lee su extraño poema con truenos,
donde cada verso es un surco sangriento,
escrito con el cincel del trabajo
sobre el mármol negro de las aflicciones humanas—

esta es la calle en cuyo grito
escucha la vida polifacética
y aturdido, vuelve a tirar de sus pesados ​​grilletes...
Al amanecer a través del crepúsculo púrpura y el cuidado alegre,
en polvo color paloma al mediodía
o entre las sombras enormes,
que la tarde lentamente se despliega y estira:

en la calle se resquebraja toda esta vanidad,
allí, todavía laten así muchos miles de corazones,
un zumbido lejano y un estruendo cercano se entrelazan,
truenos, tumultos, estruendos, aullidos y risas,
y el día de trabajo espolvoreado con polvo,
y el cuidado eterno, ahogado en un grito de hierro!
¡Esta es la calle! se ve tan debil
y muy paciente!...
Pero tan pronto como entre su aburrimiento gris
y apareció una túnica de color púrpura ardiente
envuelto en sus hombros de piedra,
tan pronto como la tormenta cambia, amaina, se cierra -
oh, en los abismos de horizontes sombríos
las estrellas detienen su camino eterno,
y, en secreto, el mundo escucha:
"¡Esta es la calle, la calle está hablando hoy!"

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