Sing and Play week #130 ORIGINAL SONG "MIRA TU REFLEJO" by @vemaya (rock alternativo)

Saludos Amigos Terrícolas


Gracias amigo @donatello por traerme de nuevo a esta casa que tenia abandonada, gracias tambien a @steemcurator01 por apoyar la comunidad #danceandmusic y gracias hermano @danieldedosd2 por nunca dejar de creer en mi se les quiere.

Este tema lo escribí por un amigo muy cercano que tenía una pareja un poco problemática y conocí un poco su relación.

Ella es muy presumida y gracias a ella escribí este tema... "MIRA TU REFLEJO"


Thanks friend @donatello for bringing me back to this house that I had abandoned, thanks also to @ steemcurator01 for supporting the #danceandmusic community and thanks brother @ danieldedosd2 for never stopping believing in me they are loved.

This topic was written by a very close friend who had a somewhat problematic partner and I got to know their relationship a little.

She is very conceited and thanks to her I wrote this topic ... "LOOK AT YOUR REFLECTION"


Corro, corro, corro y no llego
al final donde, encontraré todas las respuestas
que me lleven a poder entenderte
y poderte dar, al ganador que siempre esperas

No entiendo por qué no te puedes conformar
deberías de pararte frente un espejo
y revisar tu pasado y reflejo

La vida va y viene y no puedes pararla
te voy a teletransportar a tu mundo perfecto
para que vivas tu sueño inverso

yo se que al final esta una puerta
lo que no se, es que, si es la entrada o la salida
la decisión es tuya y solo tuya
tu veras si te quieres quedar o te marcharas

No entiendo por qué no te puedes conformar
deberías de pararte frente un espejo
y revisar tu pasado y reflejo

La vida va y viene y no puedes pararla
te voy a teletransportar a tu mundo perfecto
para que vivas tu sueño inverso

Corro, corro, corro y no llego


I run, I run, I run and I don't arrive
In the end where, I will find all the answers
that they take me to be able to understand you
and to be able to give you, the winner that you always hope

I don't understand why you can't settle
you should stand in front of a mirror
and review your past and reflection

Life comes and goes and you can't stop it
I'm going to teleport you to your perfect world
so you can live your reverse dream

I know that at the end there is a door
What I don't know is that, if it is the entrance or the exit
the decision is yours and yours alone
you will see if you want to stay or you will leave

I don't understand why you can't settle
you should stand in front of a mirror
and review your past and reflection

Life comes and goes and you can't stop it
I'm going to teleport you to your perfect world
so you can live your reverse dream

I run, I run, I run and I don't arrive
AT THE END .....

Bendiciones para todos...

blessings for all

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