Incredible India monthly contest November #2|Happy family.

Greetings beautiful people of the steemit community and amazing incredible India community. Am glad to be here to participate in this beautiful content about the happy family.

I want to appreciate the admin and MODs of this beautiful community for the good job in curating and reviewing our posts. Weldone with the good works. Am also thankful @meraindia for this beautiful contest.

What is the definition of a happy family?

So many people divine happiness by so many things. In my own definition, I’d say that a happy family is not a family that is define by the physical things they have or possess but a family defined by the quality of their relationship with one another.

A happy family is one in which there’s love, support, understanding, caring, good communication among the members and above all one with an atmosphere which is conducive for every member to trive well and they also share the same positive values. A happy family is one of the good gifts one can have in life. The joy of staying together and sharing with your parents and siblings and the beautiful memories that come from them is one of the blessings of life and not most families have that.

What things should we follow to keep our family happy? Justify.

A happy family doesn’t just happen. There must be work and effort among the members of the family to ensure they create the rights atmosphere for the happy family. To ensure a happy family there must be;

  • Love
  • Trust
  • communication
  • care and support
  • Respect and boundaries

In justification of the above;

  • Love must be prominent in any family that wants to live as a happy family. The parents must love the children equally without having favorites and they must teach the children to love one another. In this case forgiveness must play a very vital role. When they love, they will be able to forgive each other easily.

  • Trust must be present for a happy family. The members of the family must know that they can rely on one another and on their parents especially during their trying times. They must know that they have each others back no matter what. Family first.

  • Communication gap must be bridged. The members must be free to relate with one another in simplicity and open mindedness. There are some families where the children are scared of their parents hence they cannot be able to express themselves and always sharing back in fear. Happiness is always lacking in such family. The children must be free to confide in their parents and even older siblings.

  • Care and support is very crucial for a happy family. The members must learn to care and reach out to one another in a very viable way. The members shouldn’t find more care and support from outsiders than the family members. They must have each other back.

  • Respect and boundaries must not be absent. The younger ones must respect the elder and vice versa and everyone should know their boundaries. In cases where one over steps his or her boundaries, discipline in love is in order to correct such a member of the family. You can’t spare the rod and spoil the child but all must be done in the spirit of love.

There are couple of other things which when embibed builds a happy family such as eating together, spending time with each other, making everyone feel accepted and the parents should also consider the feelings of the children when making decisions.

Can professional relationships become a portion of our family? Describe.

Yes is possible for a professional relationship to become a portion of the family. When you’ve worked with people a long period of time and have coexisted with them through hard times and peacetime, somehow they become by default an integral part of our lives and more like families to us. I have such type of friendships that have lasted as much as over 16 years, some ten years and more and these people are seen as a part of my life. They’ve moved from just been friends and colleagues to being family.

Thank you for your time. I invite @beewrites @jovita30 and @ceendy20 take part in this contest.

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