Things I do to Rejuvenate Myself - Incredible India contest by @sduttaskitchen

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I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” - Oscar Wilde

The day I feel nothing at all is the day I will be worried. Until then, I shall embrace the kaleidoscope of emotion which this life has afforded me - because each and every one of them is indeed a blessing, whether we realise it in the moment or not. People should learn to become more comfortable with their emotions - even the ones which don’t feel so good.

Thank you @sduttaskitchen for being the brainchild behind this contest. I am not normally one to enter this sort of thing, I prefer to simply write for myself - but the concept behind this, really resonated strongly with me and I am grateful to be able to add my contribution. I hope you all enjoy what I have to share.

My entire life has been marked by emotion. The good, The Bad and The Ugly. Having fallen on the floor, hitting rock bottom more times than I care to remember, I have learnt the long way around, that ALL emotion can be channelled in a constructive manner - even rage!

This might sound like an absurd thing to say, but when you have nothing else to lose, you quickly learn that the only way to go is up. Once you have been in that space of nothing - you realise that your pain, your anger and even hurt can actually drive you in positive directions.

It is through having nothing else to lose that I have learnt to better manage myself on an emotional level. That - has become my internal “go-to reference” when I am in need of a little perspective because emotions are running high… and for all the other times in between, I have a few other aces up my sleeve!

Wine Time

“Wine can be a better teacher than ink, and banter is often better than books” - Stephen Fry


I am somewhat of an "escapist" - (always have been and always will be) and wine has become a part of that “creative novel”. Being an overthinker is hard work in a cruel and often judgmental world, so yes - at the disapproval of plenty I am sure (nothing new to me), I look forward to pouring a glass of wine at the end of the day and watching the worries of the day float away like balloons. Over the years, I have noted how my mind slows down after a glass or two - this may be unpleasant for some, but for me it is a relief to NOT have my brain working a mile a minute about absolutely every little thing!!! My creativity comes out to play a WHOLE lot more and life (as well as people) stress me out a WHOLE lot less!

Tunes, Tunes, Tunes

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” - Bob Marley


Music is an INTEGRAL part of my world and ANYONE who knows me even a LITTLE bit - knows well that there is literally NEVER a moment of ANY day where there isn't music playing in my space. Music is like FUEL for the soul! It is poetry which even the most literate devoid or reluctant individual can embrace and enjoy! It speaks VERY strongly to me!!!

There is music for EVERY mood and emotion - and in saying that, there is always a song "ready and waiting" to diffuse or RELEASE any emotion you may be feeling! I thought I would use this opportunity to share some of my emotionally driven favourites... because the music speaks better than I can! Enjoy!


When I am happy, these are some of my "go to's"


When I am feeling insecure or just unsure of myself, these are some of my "go to's"


When I am feeling insecure or just unsure of myself, these are some of my "go to's"


When I am feeling sad or down, these are few of my "release" tunes

As you can no doubt tell - music plays a HUGE part in my emotional processing process. That tiny handful of songs really does not do justice to the enormity of my spectrum - but if I were to share that on any REAL level, the list of YouTube links would simply never end, lol!

“Music” - perhaps it seems a silly outlet to some. I know there are some people who say they don’t even like music - so I suppose it is not impossible… but for me it is literally an energetic outlet! It allows me to dance around my living room like a crazed lunatic to the lyrics and beat of another heart… and after which, I feel BETTER! It allows me to FEEL… without thinking! - not really thinking anyway!


“You are closer to God in a garden than anywhere else on earth" - My mom.


For as far back as I can remember, my mom did her utmost to teach me the beauty and blessing in gardening and mother nature. She is gone now, but her lessons are not. I am pretty sure most of us feel a natural inclination toward nature - even if we are not able to act on it as often as we may wish to... but gardening, now THAT is a different thing altogether! There is nothing - not even music - nor wine - which can "reshape" and "re-direct" a negative emotion into a positive one like gardening can!

Get on your knees, shove your hands into that soil and start clearing out a weed/grass ridden area and you will quickly rid yourself of any kind of rage or sadness! There is enormous magic in that mostly sweaty and unpretty act! and it leaves no room for self-pity! A wonderful distraction for the mind and hard on the body. Get stuck into a garden and you wont have the time nor energy to squander on anything else.

Truly - THIS is the greatest "magic trick" for rejuvenation I was ever gifted. - Thanks Mom!

There are many other things I do to SHIFT myself into a more positive mindset, or DIFFUSE a negative one. Art is also one of those things... and perhaps someday I will share my artistic adventures with all of you too.


Mostly, and all “distraction and release” aside - I think it is important to remember that we are in control of how we behave. No matter HOW bad something may seem at any given time in our own personal experience, perspective is always a good balancer. There is always someone, somewhere - who is going through something MUCH harder. Not only that… learn to LOOK FOR THE LESSON. Yes. Look for the lesson. Life gives you lemons in an attempt to teach you how to make lemonade… but it is up to you to see the challenge as an opportunity, and to go and get the ingredients for lemonade by yourself.

“It's scary, and downing, that I make my best music when I'm going through my depression... At that moment, all i can see is black, darkness and shadows, but in the bigger picture.. it's a blessing. When I look through all my work, my art, I wouldn't change or take away my depression and anxiety for ANYTHING.. because when i get those days of rainbows, and colors.. i know deep down, i'm only honest when i'm at the deepest of the oceans.. so it's like listening to a different side of my mind, that i never realize exists, until i get that little peek through the blinds, and finally see the sunlight.. THEN on those simple moments, even if they only last a few minutes, i know deep down... maybe i do have a talent. Maybe I have got something, a "gift", that some people call... So really, if it wasn't for my depression, i would never, truly believe I have anything worth giving. So I will NOT sit back and wish i wasn't clinically depressed, I will learn to embrace it, live with it, and talk my brain into believing, and fully knowing, I HAVE A GIFT. I AM WORTHY. I DO HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE THE WORLD. I will not let my depression or anxiety control me. They can live here(in my mind), but they best know, I AM STILL, AND WILL ALWAYS BE IN CONTROL. .. BUT This is my home, and you're just living under it.” - scott mcgoldrick

I invite you to participate in this lovely contest.


You can find the contest details HERE


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx

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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

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