Incredible India monthly contest October| My memorable day through the diary game.

Hello everyone at Incredible India, thanks for joining me on my diary game. I have much Memorable days but this one stands out of recent. It was a fun filled day.

On the 17th day of September 2023, a Sunday, I was seated at home thinking of how my first day at work was going to be like for the term. I thought about seeing my old friends and colleagues. Lots of thoughts went through my mind, I was both anxious and also excited.

I made sure I cut my hair, so I could look good, and I love low cut, it makes me look more handsome. Had already washed and ironed my clothes, so I made sure they were well kept. I slept thinking of the next day.

Well my sleep was short because I woke up very early, had my prayers, cleaned the house and made sure everything was in order. The excitement made me to forget about breakfast, as a matter of fact, I moved my breakfast to 11 in the morning. I dressed well and then went out to take some pictures


I just wanted to have a picture of how excited I was that morning and I can say it showed on my face. I dressed corporately with a red tie and a white shirt as seen in the picture. I looked super smart too. I went off to school, it is a 5 minutes walk away from home.


I knew the day was already going to be exciting, I met my colleagues, some of whom came earlier than I did. We all exchanged pleasantries, smiled with each other and filled ourselves on how we enjoyed the holidays.

It was 7:30am, so we had to welcome the pupils to a new term, the first day in school is always with some mixed feelings. You get to see pupils who are having their first day in school, so a lot of them cried, but for the big ones, it was business as usual.


Took some shots of my friend too, I think she was quite excited too. The pupils were all shown to their different classes and the business of the day started. All the teachers went to get their teaching aids from the office, I did too.

Went to different classes doing my kids were excited to see me. We interacted well for the day and I was very happy with myself.
I take Mathematics from primary 2-6, so it's always a thing of joy when I get to see that they understand what I have taught them.


By 11am, I had breakfast, I didn't take a picture of me having breakfast though, but I ate pap and beans cake. I love beans cake a lot. I think I was really hungry cause I ate hurriedly.

After eating I had to work with my pupils on the class rules. They all clamoured over me to take some pictures. They also love taking pictures with me.


By 1:30pm, the bell rang and it was time to go, we assisted the pupils to go home with their parents and guardians. But I stayed behind, I had something to do.


I stayed in school for 3 hours writing on steemit, I had a lot to do on steemit that day. So I couldn't afford to go home. By 4:30pm I was done posting on steemit but was very weak, so I had to go back home to take a rest. But I ate food before resting.

Woke up later in the evening to assist my mom to cook food for the family. I talked to them about how my day went and we all laughed about some jokes I made and I ate dinner after the food was made, before sleeping.

My day was quite memorable because of the excitement of meeting my colleagues, kids and friends. I did enjoy my day and also helped the pupils to acquire new knowledge.

A memorable day like this is always important to me, that is why I took some pictures of it.

Thanks for reading my diary.

I invite @davidmarkgeorge, @imohmitch and @inemesitjustus to participate in this contest.


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