Steem Engagement Challenge-s10w3a| I do believe marriage is made in heaven

Screenshot_20220616-163249_1.jpgmy friend on her wedding day, screenshot taken from my phone gallery

Hello friends

Love love love!! What exactly do I know about love and marriage? Let's find out

Do you believe marriages are made in heaven? Share your opinion

First I would like to say marriage to me is something I hear most people talking about recently around me. Every single person I know seem to be getting married.

Screenshot_20221010-084721_1.jpgMy best friend after one year of marriage, screenshot picture gotten from my phone gallery

Yes I believe that marriages are made in heaven and I would tell you I believe it.

Am going to share my opinion from the standpoint of my faith. I am a Christian. From the Bible we notice that the first ever marriage that took place was recorded in the bible. The marriage was between Adam and eve.

God was in support of that marriage and that was why he said It is not good for the man to be alone so he made a wife for the man.

In my opinion the phrase marriages are made in heaven simply means that God is in support of marriage and he backs it up when he said "he that finds a wife, has gotten something good and favour follows him from the lord" proverbs 18:22

If God is in support of marriage then marriage is made in heaven.

Marriage been made in heaven does not mean that the marriage will be totally void of challenges or the husband or wife won't argue or misunderstand themselves no! All these things definitely comes with been married.

Marriage made in heaven does not also mean that the couples have no role to play in other for the marriage to work. The couples will definitely work their marriage out to suit what they want.

Which marriage do you prefer, arranged or love? Why?

Hahaha !! This funny to say but I prefer Love marriage

Screenshot_20230107-100049_1.jpgExample of love marriage, screenshot picture gotten from my phone gallery

Maybe if this question was asked in the days of old I would have probably said arranged marriage. Why? Because arranged marriage worked so well in the past but in this our century it doesn't really work so well.

My once told me her story of how she met got married to my Dad. It was an arranged marriage. My Dad's parents saw her and liked her. Then told their son, my father about my mum.

My Dad accepted because he trusted the judgement of his parents plus my mum was so beautiful.

Today I prefer marriage out of love because It works best for me. I also have an example of an arranged marriage that didn't turn out well and the woman blamed her parents for forcing her into the marriage.

I prefer Love marriage because I want to get to know the person am marrying personally. I want to sure I can live with him, accept his faults and he accepting mine. I don't want to be surprised with our attitude I didn't prepare my self for.

Whenever something goes wrong in an arranged marriage. The parties always blames those that brought them together. I have seen this happen over time, even in the case of Adam and Eve. Their marriage was arranged because it was God that brought the woman to the man. Guess what? When the woman was deceived and she finally made her husband disobey God.

When God asked the man why he disobeyed him, the man said was it not the woman you gave me. This simply means he was blaming God for the arranged marriage.

Falling in love is so sweet especially with someone that is willing to spend the rest of their lives with you. That person will be ready for whatever comes after wards when living with the person.

According to you what is the definition of happy married life
Screenshot_20230406-093625_1.jpgA friend who recently got married, screenshot gotten from my phone gallery

My definition for happy married life is a marriage full of trust, love, understanding and forgiveness. This four items is what makes a happy married life.

A happy married life is not a marriage that is totally free from challenges because challenges will definitely come. You are living with a wife or a husband from a total different upbringing or back ground, who might even have a different idealogy from you so you keep learning each other every day.

This is where forgiveness comes in, understanding comes in, love comes in and trust. You learn to forgive each others mistakes. Understand more, trust more and love more. This is my definition of a happy married life.

Share some reasons behind the increase in mental distance and separations

To be sincere the rate of separation in marriage is so much that sometimes I even get scared of marriage.

I know a friend who got married and in less than a year the marriage is broken. The lady packed her things and left her husband. Till today she has not gone back to him.

There are several reasons why there increase in mental distance and separation and they includes

Unable to understand each other

One reason I know that causes separation in marriage is when the two parties are not able to understand themselves after wedding. You sometimes when dating before marriage people can pretend and allow you have your way but marriage they may not allow you always have your way.

When they are not sexually compatible

This reason has so much contributed to mental distance and separation. For instance when a husband loves sex and the wife doesn't and vice versa it's a problem.

When a man can not satisfy his wife sexually over time can cause a problem if not handled very well. I have seen where this instance played out so well.

Offensive character

This is another reason I have seen that has destroyed some marriage.

That friend I told you about that got married and in less than a year she left her husband was because her husband had some characters she could no longer cope with. She said they were very offensive.

At this point I would invite my friends to tell me what they think about this topic.
@lhorgic @liasteem @asiahaiss

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