Announcement - Treasure Hunt 2

Welcome to Hunt Competition [ Treasure Hunt ] of Whalepower. @huntcomp is The Official Account for The Competition.

Seeing you All Really Enjoys hunting for yours Treasures and some of you are really good at your photography.
Let's abroad yours search.

Treasure Hunt 2

Your Objective to Search for:

Grains , Seed or Spices

Biji-bijian, Benih atau Rempah-rempah


  1. Name your Grains , Seeds or Spices.
  2. Presentation
  3. Requirement as per criteria.


  1. Nama Biji-bijian, Biji atau Rempah-Rempah Anda.
  2. Presentasi
  3. Persyaratan sesuai kriteria.


Where to lodge your Post for The Competition?

  1. All Related or Entry must be lodge thru via subscription Whalepower Community Here for eligibility.

  2. huntcomp tag must be in place. ( #huntcomp)

  3. Participant must enclosed description of the Item and enclosed text of at least 20 words or more.

Entry Requirements / Rules for Competition

  1. Text of at least 20 words or more.
  2. Series Photos (One Current photo must have a date).
  3. Photos must have The Subject. ( *Eligibility = You must be The Owner of The Photos. )
  4. Must Send to the Whalepower Community with the #huntcomp tag.


Di mana menempatkan Pos Anda untuk Kompetisi?

  1. Semua yang Terkait atau Entri harus diajukan melalui berlangganan Whalepower Community Here untuk kelayakan.

  2. tag huntcomp harus ada di tempatnya. (#huntcomp)

  3. Peserta harus melampirkan deskripsi Item dan teks terlampir minimal 20 kata atau lebih.

Persyaratan / Aturan Masuk untuk Kompetisi

  1. Teks minimal 20 kata atau lebih.
  2. Foto Seri (Satu foto saat ini harus memiliki tanggal).
  3. Foto harus memiliki Subjek. (* Kelayakan = Anda harus menjadi Pemilik Foto.)
  4. Harus Kirim ke Komunitas Whalepower dengan tag #huntcomp.
  • Any unrelated post will not be entertain.

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