The Debate (5); why small family are better than big family.

Our family picture taken from my phone


Family as a whole plays a crucial role in our everyday life. Family contributes positively in our life by shaping our values, providing support and love being it a big or small family. In this debate organized by @sahmie, i'm here to support the motion that says that small family are better than big family with the following points of mine.

Why small family are better than big family
  • Attention

Most parents do find it difficult to look after their kids due to their busy schedule. So having a small family is better because even with the busy schedule, parents can still pay attention to their kids by aiding in their emotional and educational development.

  • Finance management

Small family can easily manage their finances because any expenses concerning education, health and daily feeding will be less expensive. A small family of 2 or 3 kids can help manage finances than big family of 5 to 7 kids.

  • Strong bonding

A small family can foster tight relationship between the family members because they'll be enough time for them to spend together. But in big family, it's always hard to gather all the family members together for great time.

  • Leisure activities

Why is it that most families don't go out to have fun during their Leisure time? It's because the members of the family are much, so the expenses too will be much. In a small family, they'll be room for flexibility, they may travel or engage in any leisure activities.

  • Career opportunities

It'll be easy for parents taking care of small family to make sure their kids archive their goals of being educated. If you notice, big family members do have 1 or 2 educated person instead of all, why? Because of the money involved, so small family is the best for me.

  • Godly activities

A small family can fully partake in Godly activities without giving the parents hard time or headache, but talking about the big family, they'll be issues every Sunday morning when preparing for church service because it's not all of them will accept to go to church that day and this can bring strain in family relationship.


With the following points of mine, i'm sure i've been able to convince my readers that small family are better than big family. Dream of small family dear steemians and watch your family grow perfectly. I love you all.

I invite
@crystal247 @bossj23 @josepha to Participate in this debate.

CC; @sahmie

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