SFS Contest | Living the Good Life: Things That Made Your Lifestyle Special

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We live our lives in certain ways from the things we do to the things we love to do and what we hate. The entirety of how we live our lives is what we call lifestyle.
Here is a contest by @ashkhan titled "Living the Good Life: Things That Made Your Lifestyle Special", giving us the chance to share our lifestyle special ingredients. And here is mine.

What are the key elements or factors that contribute to your unique and special lifestyle?

Having to live a good lifestyle means living a healthy life and those things we do daily to live a good life is what we term as our elements or factors of lifestyle.

There are a lot of things one can do to have a special lifestyle for me, this includes eating healthy meals on time, taking part in exercises, making out time to sleep, playing productive games like Scrabble and having someone to talk to as idleness and loneliness brings up mental problems.

What specific activities or hobbies bring you joy and fulfilment in your lifestyle?

To specify my activities will be enormous, but to summarize, I do both indoor and outdoor sports ranging from skipping ropes, playing football, push-ups, and pull-ups to table tennis. But my favourite hobby remains swimming.

IMG_20230623_145755.jpg screenshot of a scrabble game a playing on my phone

Whenever I am alone indoors, other than writing posts as I do right now, I either read the good Word, play Scrabble, listen to music or see movies. After all the health of one is not just physical alone, but also, emotional, mental and spiritual.

How have your values and beliefs shaped the choices you make in your daily life?

I must say yes, after all the lifestyle of a person is mostly shaped by their values and what they believe in. I grew up in a Bible-believing home and that has rubbed off on me.

My values are also a product of what I've come to learn growing up. My dad, the man of the house taught us that the act of giving is not in the power of our wallets, but rather a product of our hearts. This in turn has shaped not just my life, but also those after me.

Are there any particular relationships or connections that have greatly positively influenced your lifestyle? If so, how?

In this section, as I said earlier, my family entirely has been my mean source of inspiration. My Dad being a God-fearing man, made sure all his kids followed his footsteps. This also made him free from taking alcohol or smoking, which I have followed.

My mum, being the President of the Republic of Stomach Affairs, made sure we all learnt how to make our meals if she was not around. So yes, I am a guy and I love the kitchen duties as I love to eat good food too.

Remember "charity begins at home" and so everything I've learned and applied in my life was given to me as a gift from my family.

I like to invite @kelvinblaq, @edidiongeffiong and @abdullahw2.

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.


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