The debate(8)why Journey is better than Destination

Good day everyone hope we are having a great day, I'm grateful to be part of this platform and delighted to participate in this contest. I stand and support the motion that says journey is better than Destination.


Journey build up potential, characters

In my regard why journey us better than destination, before we discuss intensively, i will like to give a brief analysis of those two important terms.
Journey is the process, steps, method, measure taken to actualized the destination, this implies that without the journey the destination can never be achieved journey involve a lot of task in order to get to the destination.
Destination in the other hand refers to the actualization of the journey showing that without journey destination can not be accomplished.
The journey build you up, exposes the potential in you, build the character in you and mould you to the destination ahead, journey is the mind builder, without the journey certain character can never be build. As an atheltic the journey give you the fitness, courage, train your mind towards the destination which is the trophy to be won, the journey exposes the potential, build your character, this is what destination can not do, apart from getting to the destination journey also mould and transform your inner mind, thereby revealing your inborn potential and character, so that you can get to you destination which is the trophy. Journey is perseverance, without perseverance you aren't successful.
Religiously the journey uphold and express the good potential and character in you, revive the good morals such as saying the truth do matter any condition, being peaceful, showing kindness, giving to the poor and the needy showing hospitality and love for humanity.
Successful people are quick to learn, they easily adapt to things, so the journey is the courage to be adaptive which is your inner potential and character. Success is a journey not a destination according to Arthur Ashe.

Journey as a driving force


Journey serves as an action, procedure, steps, method taken to achieve our certain goal which is the destination. Thus telling us without journey destination is of no use. A student involve in a journey which is going to lectures or attending classes, reading his or her books and partaking in the assessment, test and exams then get his certificate these are the driving forces for him or her to get a good job.
An apprentice who is acquiring a skills needs to be dedicated and zealous, in order to be able professional in his or her field of endeavors. The destination here is to be a professional in the field and this could not be achieved without the driving force which is the time, zeal and consistency which is describe as the journey.
Government can not get to their destination without subscribing to the right thing to do which are works to ehance success actualization to their destination.
In conclusion i said that journey is essence of where life exist. When you give more focus on the destination you will learn no lesson and gain no experience. To this effect the destination will not last, because you didn't take into consideration, those parameters, which happens to be the vital requirements to manage and maintain the destination.

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