Contest - A World Without Electricity

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What would be the consequences if the world were to lose all electricity?

I wake up in the middle of the night, feeling hot and sweaty. The fan has stopped working. I get up and go to the bathroom, hoping to cool off with some water. But the tap is dry. There’s no water either. I think about turning on the pump, but that won’t work without electricity. I check my phone, but it’s low on battery - I can’t charge it. And the Wi-Fi is gone too. I go outside, hoping to find some light. But the streets are dark and silent. I feel hopeless and scared. I try to sleep - but I can’t.

The sun rises, but nothing changes. The power is still out. I decide to ride my bike to get some fuel, maybe I can use a generator. But the petrol pumps are not working either. They need power too. I see some cars stuck on the road, unable to move. Suddenly, I remember that today is my friend’s surgery day. He needs an operation to save his life. I live close to the hospital, so I ride there as fast as I can. But when I get there, I see a nightmare. The hospital is in darkness. All the machines that run on electricity are useless. The doctors and nurses are helpless. My friend is dying. I don’t know what to do. I feel like crying. 😭

Well, this is just a small glimpse of what I imagine would happen in a fictional scenario where electricity suddenly vanished from the entire world. Without electricity, I believe our world would go from bad to worse and we’d be thrown back into the Stone Age.

Is it possible for us to survive without electricity?

This is a very interesting question and my answer is yes because people used to live without electricity before. They didn’t have light bulbs or ACs, but they were happy. They used lamps and torches for light and slept in fields during summers.


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But today we are dependent on everything for electricity. Our factories run on electricity, everything in our homes runs on electricity - light, fan, TV, fridge, geyser. Without electricity, our entire system would change. But this doesn’t mean that we won’t be able to survive.

Yes, it will be difficult at first. But humans learn in adversity. We will gradually start using traditional methods again. We will learn to ride bicycles and walk on foot. We will go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning to work.

So, the thing is that life without electricity is not impossible, just hard. Our efforts will be in those things that are within our reach, not in those things that are related to electricity.

In this era of globalization, what are your thoughts on humans living without electricity?

As I conveyed through a fictional scenario at the beginning of my article, living without electricity in this era of globalization would indeed be a tremendous challenge. But it is possible if we show hard work and courage.

You see, nowadays the whole world is connected like a network. Every country depends on another country. Electricity is very important for running this network. Internet, phone, transport - nothing will work without electricity. So definitely global trade and economy will suffer a lot.

But human progress does not come only from electricity. It also comes from our efforts and hard work. If there is no electricity then it will be difficult at first, but gradually we will adjust. We will work at the local level with people from our city and village together. We won’t get goods from far away places; we’ll use local products only. Cycles and bullock carts will be used more often.

The benefits of globalization will decrease, but our creativity and hard work will increase. We’ll produce our own goods and food locally. We’ll encourage local talents and skills. In this way we can live our adventurous life again. Family and community values will return because depending on each other will become necessary.

Is it possible for us to create energy?

Okay, so I’m not really sure what this question is about. But I’ll give it a shot and try to answer it based on what Google Translate says, and I’ll talk about with reference to the law of energy conservation.

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Screenshot of contest questions translated using Google Translate

According to the basic law of physics, energy is conserved. This means that all the energy we receive was already present somewhere. We can only harness it and use it for our purposes.

For example, we can convert the energy of water into electricity using a turbine. Or we can burn coal and petroleum to transfer their chemical energy into mechanical and heat energy. But we cannot create these things. They've been around forever by nature's design.

Not only that, but energy cannot be completely destroyed either. Only its form changes. For example, when we turn on a light, it converts electricity into light and heat. But that energy remains somewhere, it doesn’t disappear.

Therefore, talking about creating or destroying energy is meaningless. We can only harness and use it, regenerate it from one form to another.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @lhorgic, @chasad75, @patjewell, @irawandedy, @sahmie, @dove11, @josevas217, @stef1, and @paholags to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 21-Aug-2023 | Achievement 1
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