Drug Wars: Taking Over the Game - 1st Entry


Detroit isn't what it used to be. My associates warned me not to take a break, but I had other business to handle. I should have listened, however, for now the city has become more dangerous than ever. The entire territory is being chopped up into bases, and gangs are everywhere fighting for control over those blocks. My men continue to insist that we should leave Detroit and go set up shop in Los Angeles, but that's out of the question. I've invested a great deal into our compound, and I don't have any intentions on just giving it all up and running off to safer pastures because the gangs here have grown too big. It's true that our production levels are vastly inferior to the top clans, but that doesn't concern me at the moment. I want to expand and build new bases, which will gradually improve our production. If my men continue to insist on leaving, I'll have to begin questioning their loyalty. Let's hope it doesn't come to that! Besides, I've already sent out a team to Los Angeles to set up another base there.

The Government has extended the long arm of the law in an effort to get the city back under control, so now I have more Units out there to deal with them as well. In my absence, and with the growth of the more powerful Families, stronger Units have become available to add to our army. We also have some new defenses to protect our warehouses from looters, and the competition. For the moment, I won't be concentrating on fighting the other gangs, as I want to focus on getting some other bases established in the city. This means getting my production of weapons and alcohol levels much higher so that I can recruit some Occupation Troops to takeover some other blocks in the area. That'll take some time, so I'll be sending the Squad out to deal with the Government, to keep them busy.

My old friend and trusted Consigliere is overseeing the new base in Los Angeles, and he'll be reporting back to me in the coming days concerning the progress being made on the new base. Things will be much slower there, as we've already had a significant head start with our former activities here in Detroit.


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