Why Japanese Can't Read English

Or you know Japanese too much that your brain fires up right away and recognize these characters as Japanese.
If that is you, you can't read this 👇

Or you will have a very hard time read and understand stuff like this.

For example, this little characters are perfect Japanese characters, "レ", "モ", "ナ"
But it makes absolutely no sense as a word "レモナ", but still Japanese characters so if you know these characters, you brain would try hard to make sense out of it.

If you are not Japanese or these character would be registered as "L", "E", "T" or "LET" right?

I have seen these characters and I always thought these were fake Japanese or wannabe Japanese that people use to make characters look like Japanese or something...

I was wrong... These are called Electroharmonix font, 100% English characters which are creatively and look similar to Japanese or Chinese characters 🤯

Once I saw this, I was able to read those sentences, but it is really hard. I have to consciously tell my brain that these are English characters, but my brain fights back and read them as Japanese instinctively.

I was thinking maybe we can use this idea for some kind of cryptography or security techniques or something, but then computers don't see them as one language or another like people do...
Maybe spy language or something... idk.

Last night, I got letter from my mom... yes, actual letter in the mail.
She really liked the mother's day gift (Yeti Cooler box) that I sent last month.
But I can't read this 🤣🤣🤣
I don't think this is Electroharmonix, but who knows... I really can't read it what she wrote.
Hopefully, she really liked Yeti... but probably there are some hidden characters or meaning in this letter that my brain can't handle...

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