FAQs About Club5050 | Learn How to Check Eligibility

FAQs About Club5050 Check Your Eligibilty.png

Hello everyone!

I am getting a lot of messages regarding club5050 eligibility and rules. I realized that still a lot of people don't quiet understand it. So I decided to come up with a detailed guide.

What is club5050?

Steemit team started an initiative about two weeks ago - Club5050. According to it a club member is supposed to:

- power up half of his liquid rewards.

- power up equal or greater amount at the time of withdrawal.

For instance, I got 7SBD after a post's payout. I converted it into Steem. Let's say I got 84 Steem. Now according to 5050club rule, I'm supposed to power up atleast half of it which is 42 Steem. I can withdraw rest of the 42 Steem if I want. I cannot withdraw more than 42 Steem. But I can power up more than 42 steem.

5050Club Rule

Initially, curators were checking wallet history of last 7 days. But now they are checking last 30 days stats. In the last 30 days, your wallet transactions must justify the club5050 rule - there should be atleast 50% powered up amount.

How can you check the eligibility?

  • Click on the Transfer Search tab.


  • You will be directed to following page.


  • Enter your username, last 30 days date range. At the top select Normal Transfer. Todays is 3rd November so wallet history will be checked from 3rd October today.


  • Click search and my transfer history will be displayed along with the total amount. This is the data of last 30 days.


  • Now, lets check my last 30 days power up history. Instead of Normal Transfer now select Transfer to Vesting. Rest of the information will remain same.


  • Click Search and all my power up history will be displayed.


Now you can see my Normal Transfers(1482.500 Steem) are less than my Power Ups (Vesting Transfers) (2052.518 Steem). This is exactly what 5050club rule says. Last 30 days transfer history should be such that our normal transfers are less than or equal to vesting transfers or power ups.

What if I don't want to withdraw right away?

You can choose to withdraw whenever you want. But whenever you do it, just maintain the above ratio - Normal Transfer ≤ Vesting Transfers(Power Ups).

What if I don't want to Power Up right away OR want to save for the SPUD?

If you are in the similar situation, you can save for the SPUD as long as the normal transfer and power up condition of last 30 days is met. If it is not then either you have to power up if you want to keep getting votes or just comprise and wait for the SPUD. Make one big power up on SPUD and rest of the month you can keep withdrawing as long as the total amount doesn't exceed the power ups.

I hope I have cleared the commonly asked questions. Now, it would be great if all confused people check their accounts eligibility and share the screenshots below. I will correct if someone is doing wrong.

Note: Since club5050 was launched around 2-3 weeks ago. So it is a possibility that many of you are not eligible according to 30 day rule. That's why Steemit team has given some flexibility to those users. You can do 100% power-ups for the next 2 weeks to compensate the amount withdrawn.

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