MUSIC FOR STEEM WEEK#12 Thinking out loud by @rodolfmandolina.

Hola que tal queridos amigos de steemit, de music for steem, de pues de algunas semanas sin participar, he regresado, les cuento que fue una semana bastante movida para mi ya que por fin pude regresar a mi hogar despues de seis meses de estar viviendo en otra ciudad por cuestiones de que los vuelos estaban cancelados por el coronavirus. Gracias a Dios regrese a casa y bueno debido a que tenia mucho tiempo sin tocar la mandolina me dolian muchos los dedos ya que las cuerdas son metalicas, pero espero poder recuperar mi agilidad pronto, esta semana numero 12 quiero traerles una version con mandolina electroacustica del tema Thinking out loud de Ed Sheeran, espero sea de su completo agrado, y sigamos con mas musica.

Hello, how are you dear friends of steemit, of music for steem, since a few weeks without participating, I have returned, I tell you that it was a quite busy week for me since I was finally able to return home after six months of living in another city for reasons that flights were canceled due to the coronavirus. Thank God I returned home and well, because I had not played the mandolin for a long time, my fingers hurt a lot since the strings are metal, but I hope to regain my agility soon, this week number 12 I want to bring you a version with an electroacoustic mandolin of the Thinking out loud song by Ed Sheeran, I hope it is to your complete liking, and let's continue with more music.

Original song

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