How I found out about Steemit - By @girolamomarotta

Image CC BY 2.0

With this post, I participate in the initiative How I Found Out about STEEMIT proposed by @steemingcurators team.

It's about answering a few questions about how I found Steemit.

Let's go now!

- We would love to hear how you found out about Steemit. How your blockchain career actually began...

I landed on Steemit almost by accident.
It was December 2017 and on YouTube I was watching a video that talked about cryptocurrencies, since the theme at the time was really very popular.
The discussion focused on possible scenarios with social networks in which tokens or even real money could be earned, not only for the content created, but also for a comment or a 'like'.

- Why you joined Steemit? Invited by someone? Read about it? Where?

In the comments section of that video, an Italian youtuber (@luigi-tecnologo) talked about something that already existed. Its name was Steemit.
Taken from curiosity, I immediately went to see what it was and from that moment my adventure in the crypto world began.

- What was your first experience?

Initially I was very confused, I did not know the mechanisms of the blockchain and all the dynamics related to upvotes and rewards.
Fortunately, after a few days, I joined the italian community @steempostitalia and in this group I found considerable support.
The education work of new users that is done in the Discord server is really important, even more so it was at that time when there had been a boom in admissions due to the very high price reached by BTC (I think you remember...)
I started writing my posts (I had never done blogging before) and to be more and more practical of the various dynamics of the blockchain. In short, I became passionate about this activity and Steemit has become one of my primary interests.

- What was your knowledge of blockchain? Are you interested in that?

I can't call myself an expert, but I've tried to learn a lot about blockchain.
In 2018 I created two projects (The Best Power Up of the Week and Curation SPI) that had the aim of making the community grow both from the point of view of SP and from that of knowledge.

I don't have a lot of financial skills, in fact I got very little enriched with this activity...indeed, I spent a lot of time also subtracting it from work and family.
But I have acquired other good knowledge, for example about curation, both qualitative and quantitative.

- Did you invite friends? Is your family here?

Especially in past years, I have spoken to relatives and friends about this opportunity. Some of them took an interest, but no one ever signed up. So for now there are no family members of mine here. But never say never...


Thanks to all of you for reading my article.

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See you soon!


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