THE DIARY GAME : 08/09/2020 – Sleeping..Eating.. Again Sleeping! - Sri Lanka

Hello Everyone,

Hope you guys had a great day??


Had a Choclate while steeming 😋

Today I woke up very late, it was 8.00 am. My husband didn’t go to work today, so he was at home. He knew I was tired and maybe he was tired too. Because it was a long drive yesterday. Normally I don’t like waking up late, I started the day wrong.

I missed doing my morning worshipping rituals today even if I was at home. We quickly had our morning tea and moved back to our work. I quickly prepared breakfast meanwhile my mom prepared lunch. So food was ready for the day. We had breakfast and had a little chat about yesterday.

Since I was not able to go through my mails and Steemit, I came to my workplace and started going through my emails replying to them. And also replying to comments received on Steemit. It’s a little lazy day for me today. I didn’t even feel like doing my laundry. My clothes are getting piled up. I even started cleaning up the house when my dad asked me to do it. Maybe that’s because I was not feeling good. I miss grandma a lot!

However my mom started cleaning her room today, so I went to help her a little. Do you know what I found today? I found my little clothes after eighteen years. My mom still keeps all these memories with her. I really felt happy seeing those with her. I went back to my childhood memories.


My cute little frocks kept safely with mom

After helping her to clean her room I went to take a nap. Again I slept too much; It was 7.00 pm when I woke up. I took a wash and worshipped in the evening. We had some leftovers from lunch, We were not hungry much. So we decided to manage dinner with what we have. Then I went with dad to the garden to plant curry leaves which we got from grandma’s home.


Planted curry leaves

After a while, it started raining and my mom felt like having hot milk tea. I enjoyed having tea when it was raining. We all watched our favorite dramas and all programs that we missed yesterday. Good that it rained in the night, I was feeling really hot before. I wish it rained more, Then I can have a good sleep again 😋. Now the environment has become cold, I’m writing the diary in a very peaceful mind. I'm still hearing raindrops falling. Kitty is also having a tight sleep near me!


Hot.. Hot Tea!

Such a boring day it was, This is me. Hope you guys enjoyed reading. Thanks to @besticofinder for introducing me to the diary game.

#thediarygame #srilanka #the1000daysofsteem #whalepower #steemexclusive

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