Thediarygame for (23-12-2023): My Day In Words and Pictures

Greetings to all the steemian in this community. The year is drawing near to an end. As humans, we need to be thankful and grateful for the privilege to witness each day.


Am grateful each day that I woke up just as today. Saturday is a day that people perform most of the activities, such as clean up, work out, funeral, wedding, coronation and many more. To keep my body in a good and healthy state, I perform exercise in the morning. After the exercise, I drink a bowl of Garri that I soak in water and rest.

I woke up to realize that I slept off on my resting place after taking the bowl of Garri. Gosh! All what I can remember was that after taking the Garri, I was shivering because of the cool weather of that early hour. I quickly take my bath, have my breakfast.


I mixed water for my mom to bath the baby before going to a wedding. Today wedding is one of the thing I needed to do but because of the baby, I couldn't go on time. When I reach the church, I meant the couple taking pictures already which means the wedding ended up before I reach the place.


Coming back that afternoon, i bought beans on my way. I selected the beans to be cook immediately I reach the house. After the selection, my mom take over by cooking it while I try to teach the baby how to seat.


This process is so funny as the baby will be falling on any of his side. When my mom notice it, she asked me to use bath while I support him with pillows in case he falls. That was how the seating part become easy for the baby. With this, I can do what I want to do while looking after him.

When my mom was done with the cooking. I made custard to be use with it. Then we all eat the meal as dinner and retire back to our different room to have a night rest.

Thanks for reading as I invite my friends to join this contest. @emily0, @etette and @beautifair.

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