Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) WK14:#1: Neglect in families, effects on kids


Family responsibility is the duty of family members to care for and support each other. This includes providing physical, emotional, and financial support as needed. Family members also have a responsibility to treat each other with respect and consideration, and to communicate openly and honestly. Family members should work together to solve problems and to maintain a healthy and happy home environment. When family members fulfill their responsibilities, it can create a strong and supportive family unit.


What does neglect of responsibilities mean in a family🙇?

Neglecting responsibilities generally means failing to fulfill the duties and obligations that come with being a family member. This can include failing to provide for the physical, emotional, or financial needs of family members. It can also include being absent or uninvolved in family activities, or not contributing to the overall well-being of the family. Neglect of responsibilities can have serious consequences for both the individual and the family as a whole.

One of the most common forms of neglect is financial neglect, which is when a family member fails to provide for the financial needs of the family. This can include not contributing to household expenses, and not providing for necessities like food and clothing, Financial neglect can have serious consequences for the family, including poverty, debt, and even homelessness. It can also lead to feelings of resentment, frustration, and anger within the family.

It's important to be aware of the responsibilities that come with being a member of a family and to do everything possible to fulfill their responsibility.


Have you been neglected or seen anyone neglected? What are the effects on the kids

I have not personally been neglected, but I have seen and read about the effects of neglect on children, and it can be devastating. Neglected children may suffer from a range of problems, including low self-esteem, difficulty in forming relationships, academic and behavioral problems, and even mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. Some children may also turn to self-destructive behaviors like drug abuse or violence as a result of the neglect they've experienced. It's heartbreaking to see how neglect can impact a child's life.

I know a child in my neighborhood whose family doesn't care about them, she does everything on her own, she enrolled herself into a fashion house and at some point she left for school, she was training herself in school and when she got 200l she had to drop out because of the responsibilities she needed to handle alone, she couldn't continue and she had to drop out. Fast forward to to some months later, she began to prostitute, she was bringing things home but her parents failed to ask her where she was getting them.

She got so used to the life that she couldn't stop anymore. After some years I came back to the same city in which I left her and I couldn't recognize her, she was so thin with lots of rashes all over her body, her eyes bags were almost falling off, I couldn't hold my tears 😭 when I asked her she told me how she got infected with HIV and her parents has even threw her out of the house. Such is life

There are lots of irresponsible parents who does not not care for the children nor the family responsibility. They feel as soon as you grow to certain age like 20years you should begin to fed for yourself. Life does not begin at 20years, as far as a child is still under your roof,their responsibility are all yours until they have been able to find life and wants to move out. Take care of a child untill he or she says they are old enough and even if they are grown enough, always remind them that they are only grown and are not beyond family punishment. Always bring it to their consciousness that you are still there parents out in under your custody.


Your advice to parents who neglect their responsibilities towards their kids.

Well, the first piece of advice I would give to parents who are neglecting their responsibilities towards their kids is to recognize the problem and take steps to address it. It can be difficult to admit that you are not fulfilling your parental responsibilities, but it's important to recognize the problem to make changes. Parents should also seek out support from friends, family, and professionals like social workers or therapists. They can provide guidance and resources to help parents better meet the needs of their children.

Another important piece of advice is for parents to set clear and consistent boundaries for their children. This can include establishing rules and consequences for behaviors, and ensuring that the consequences are consistently enforced. It's also important to provide structure and routine for children and to make sure they have a sense of security and stability in their lives.

Also, parents should make time to spend with their children and create opportunities for positive interactions and bonding. This can help build a strong relationship between parent and child.


Your advice to the kids who are neglected

For children who are being neglected, my first piece of advice is to reach out for help. This could include talking to a trusted adult like a teacher, counselor, or friend Children need to understand that they are not at fault for the neglect they are experiencing and that there are people who can help them. Children should also try to find healthy ways to cope with the situation, such as participating in activities they enjoy, spending time with friends, or engaging in hobbies. Finally, children should remember that they are worthy of love and respect, no matter what their circumstances may be.

Another piece of advice is for children to focus on building a positive future for themselves. Even though the present situation may be difficult, children should remember that they have the power to make a difference in their own lives. They can set goals and take steps to achieve them, and should not give up hope for a better future. Children should also take care of their physical and emotional health, and focus on developing resilience and coping skills.


In conclusion.

No child should ever have to suffer the consequences of neglect. And parents should also be aware of signs of neglect and take actions to prevent it.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you too.
I'm inviting @bonaventure24,@emmy001 and @megareigns to participate in this contest.

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