Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) WK14:#1: Neglect in families, effects on kids

picture from my phone of children who have been neglected, edited using canva

A mother gave birth to 9 children all with age bracket of one year. She never considered family planning before she went on this milestone with her husband. Back in the days, they do give birth to more than 10 children so these children can work in the farm when they start walking and talking. That's the same mentality this woman had. These children would appear skinny, unkempt, and dirty as if they had no parents.

Seeing the condition of his household, the father left the mother to suffer alone with these children. The mother not being able to bear any longer, ran away one night with only one child, leaving the 8 behind.....How inhumane? This gives rise to the topic for this challenge Neglect of responsibilities in family. Does it only affect the poor or rich?

What does neglect of responsibilities mean in a family?

I think this question has no class distinction and entails a lot. The bible says A man who cannot provide for his household is worst than a man without faith clearly showing it's the responsibility of men to provide for their household. Neglect comes when men try to run away from their responsibilities, leaving it all to the woman to do or probably both don't care at all if their children have eaten or not. When parents fail to provide for the financial well-being of their family no matter the condition, it's called Neglect of responsibilities which are entrusted to them.

I see no reason why you should bring a child into the world to suffer when you know fully well that you can't even care for one. Another form of neglect is when parents fail to look after their children in terms of physical health, emotional, academic, spiritual and social life. They are solely focused on making this money. They aren't interested in knowing how the child feels, his fears and anxieties and the likes of them.


This has made many children believe that it's not normal for parents to do those things and they grow up with it, without love. This is Neglect too in responsibilities because parents are entrusted with the responsibility to care, shoulder, instill and be a friend to their children. This affects both the rich and the poor.

  • Many children become wayward in their way of life because they lack good morals, no good home training by the parents and condoning bad activities of your children at their early age. When they grow up, it becomes difficult to change. They've neglected their responsibilities to educate and train their child in the way they should go. Negligence of responsibilities in family means the failure of parents to carryout their God given roles
Have you been neglected or seen anyone neglected? What are the effects on the kids

I've never for once been neglected by my families. Even when things are difficult, they'll ensure they always provide for us no matter what. Considering the responsibility of training us, I give them credit. I can remember when my dad would come back from work late in the night. Despite feeling exhausted, he'll ensure he helped me understand quantitative reasoning before going to bed.


Spiritually speaking, they have groomed us well to becoming disciplined and not wayward children. I've seen other children being neglected by their parents. Some abandon them and allow them roam on the streets. I'll see most of them sleeping in flyovers till the next day, begging and even stealing. The effect of not neglect on kids is that when you don't provide for your children or teach them to be content, they'll end up stealing.

  • They can be affected psychologically and physically as well as they'll be exposed to dangers especially females.

  • Neglect in training kids makes them follow trends and become spoilt children. It would get to a point where they'll start raising hands on you because you failed to instil values in them when they were little.

Your advice to parents who neglect their responsibilities towards their kids

Everyone on planet earth knows life isn't easy. Some even end of regretting why they brought a child into the world. We all know that things are difficult but know that your children are gifts. If someone gives you a gift, he expects you to cherish and value it. Same with children. They are your gifts from God. You have been praying to God for a child and now they are here. Give them what they deserve.


  • Even though it may be financially difficult for you, don't fail to provide at least and encourage them to be content so they'll not go into social vices.

  • Fathers, don't run away from your responsibilities no matter what happens. Your sole aim is to provide. Don't leave all the workload on mothers to handle.

  • Parents are to train their children, not the mother or father alone but both. This will help build that bond of love between you and your child.

  • Let them know you care and at least spend time with them. Try to know their fears, worries and anxieties and be a friend to them.

  • It's wickedness on your part of those who neglect their responsibilities . The point isn't being perfect but at least doing your very best not only financially but also morally. This is to both the rich and poor.

Your advice to the kids who are neglected

To those who are neglected in one way or the other, if you're still with your parents, you can as well speak up. They'll listen to you or if they don't, you can talk to someone you trust to help talk to them.

  • If you're living in a household that finds it difficult to provide for you the way other parents provide for their children, don't feel bad when they can't provide for you they way others does. Just know you are valued and that you're not a burden to their lives. You're not alone. The way they act may be due to the situation at hand. Don't desert them for others if it doesn't demand for. You can build your family no matter the situation at hand.


To all the parents out there, negligence isn't the answer ❌. Looking at your children as burden to you isn't the answer ❌. Running away from responsibilities isn't the answer ❌. Building your home and doing your best to post your roles in the family no matter the situation is the answer ✅.

I invite @patjewell, @uduak3287 and @davidmarkgeorge

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