Food challenge contest week #82|| For kids and parents| Teach The Kids/Kids Food Challenge|

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Colorful, tasty and useful - these foods will not only diversify the children's menu, but will delight the eyes and senses of both older and younger children. Including at least one of these foods in the child's daily menu will provide him with the necessary energy, vitamins and minerals.

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If children had to feed themselves, surely a huge amount of chips, cupcakes, pasties, pizzas and the like would occupy a major place in their menu. And this is so, not because children like these foods so much, but they are packaged in most cases so attractively that no child, and quite a few adults, can resist them. But the sooner they realize that food can be delicious regardless of the packaging, the more they will take this useful lesson for life. Of course, we don't have to push these foods aggressively, but we do need persistence.

Cocoa contains flavonoids, which are related to the cardiovascular system and the health of the oral cavity, protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. The higher the cocoa percentage, the better the chocolate bar you have chosen for your child. Children will certainly not count it among their favorite foods, but if you sprinkle it on pancakes, waffles or fried slices or with dark chocolate shavings, you will surely arouse their curiosity. In melted dark chocolate, you can glaze a banana, strawberries or an orange, besides you will have an unusual dessert for your child, it will also be useful.
In addition to regulating blood sugar, cinnamon is delicious and gives a unique taste to many desserts - milk with rice, oatmeal, pancakes, yogurt with muesli, gingerbread, buns and biscuits.

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The high protein content in eggs makes them a valuable food for the growing organism. They contain natural vitamin D, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium, and we all know how important this is in early childhood. A breakfast including an egg provides the child with enough energy and satiates him for a long time. Children who eat oatmeal for breakfast have better concentration and are more focused during activities in kindergarten or school. Oats are a fiber-rich whole grain food that is digested slowly and provides long-lasting energy to the child's body.

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Whatever your child's favorite fruit is, it's certainly healthier than candy or chocolate bars. Fruits are a source of important vitamins and minerals for his body, and besides, they contain a lot of fiber, useful for good digestion. From strawberries and cherries in the spring, berries, watermelons, melons, peaches and apricots in the summer, to apples, pears and grapes in the fall, whatever your little one chooses, the choice will always be good.

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if you want to participate in the challenge, please visit this link @steemkidss/food-challenge-contest-week-82-or-or-for-kids-and-parents-or-teach-the-kids-kids-food-challenge-or-share-your-food-diary-with-us
organized by @steemkidss

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