Food challenge contest week #60|| For kids and parents| How to prepare white yam with fresh tomatoes sauce


It been a while I participated in food challenge. To leave a healthy life, we need to eat a healthy food. I'm this week challenge, I made a simple recipe but very nutritious to our body. To make this simple food recipe, you need.

  • Yam
  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Palm oil
  • Salt
  • Utazi leaf
  • Onions
  • Pepper
  • Ugba

Step 1

Pill the back of the yam and wash it twice with water. After that, put it in a pot,then set your fire and put it on top. Add water and salt to it and allow it to boil within 15 to 30 minutes time.



Once the yam is done, bring it out from the water to a clean plate. Cover it properly and prepare the source.

To prepare the source, you need to wash the tomatoes, Utazi leaf and onions and slice them together.


After slicing them, add the Ugba to it before adding palm oil and pepper to it.


At the end, add palm oil and pepper to the sliced vegetables and mixed them up. You can now enjoy your meal. As for me, I prefer eating them raw because it's more nutritious when eating raw with the boiled yam.


This meal can be taken as launch or dinner.

Health benefits

Yam has a lot of health benefits. Yeah, it's a good sauce of fiber, potassium, copper including antioxidants. Yams are easy to prepare and help to boast our brain and helps to regulate the blood sugar.

Fresh tomatoes on its own part keeps our skin healthy and attractive. It's good for the heart and on our hair. It keeps our bones strong and rights all types of cancer.

Onions have a enough nutrients that can help in food digestion. It can prevent cancer, controls blood sugar and has Vitamin C content.

Ugba is good for those who wants to reduce wait. It has the ability to control cholesterol, fight cataracts and cardiovascular diseases.

Utazi flights regulatory heart infections. Takes care of rheumatism, improves immune system and helps in wound healing. Etc.

Come and eat

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