Greetings everyone, welcome back to my blog. It's my pleasure to participate in another craft work contest
I can't do the contest without inviting my good friends @elegant01, @kavi1999 and @favour11
What I made is a paper craft work called origami dog. I constructed it using cardboard paper
- 15cmx15cm Cardboard paper for the dog head
- 15cmx15cm Cardboard paper for the dog body
- Black pen
- Paper gum
First step
Second step
Third step
Final step
I love doing what kids find around them, after my last contest on paper table and chair, I thought of what kids loves having as pet so I came up with paper dog. I didn't know how to go about the craft so I had to see a youtube video.
Dogs are domestic pets to humans and are mostly found in so many homes. Children also do like having dogs as pet and it's useful when trying to remember what letter D stands for.
As always in all my craft works contest my neighbor's kids are people I inspire. After my last craft work the kids always ask when and what the next craft work will be. I will say I 'm fulfilled inspiring those kids. They're my treasure.
My appreciation to @m-fdo and @steemkids and parent