SEC 14 WK: #5: Charity Begins At Home

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This is a new week and I'm glad participating once again in this community, importantly the SEC S14W5 in this great community. I do hope you enjoy the answers to these questions.

👉 What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home.

Charity from my own perspective goes beyond being liberal and giving arms or gifts to people around you or the poor and less privileged, its way deeper than that. Charity entails inculcating basic values, morals, etiquette, technical-know how, from people, parents, family and friends, which would make you become a better citizen, valuable spouse and perfect individual in our society.

Furthermore, the home remains the grassroot of learning and all basic moral discipline. It is important to learn how to behave, address issues, respond to challenges, curtail your temper and behave in a befiting way in the public. It is indeed the bedrock of all learning and moral conduct.
pexels-suraphat-nueaon-933620.jpgsourcecharity indeed is an enormous virtue!

👉 What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others.

Motivating someone on a charitable activity carried out is so essential too. It is important to motivate people for charity work done. I would be sharing with us some motivating factors for charity work done.


Motivating factor for charity work could start from rewards. Citing an instance; if a philantropist performs charitable activities in rural area, it's quite expedient that the citizens in such society should reward him in little ways such as gifting him with at least a bottle of wine in appreciation after a calendar year or good will speech to appreciate and motivate him for charity work.


A leader of a state or organization would always be aroused to do various activities of charity if the citizens are willing and obedient to follow laid down rules and laws stipulated by such leader in the community, hence obedience remains a major tool of motivation for charity work.


In a state of law and order its important to know that peace makes every leader or philanthropist carry out his duties and tasks without fear or favor. Peace is a sporadic motivation for charity work.

From my own perspective, it's not so good to broadcast what you have done for others, it's interesting to keep it private as publicising it denotes pride and also shows desperation in seeking people's approval. This is my ideology and hence subject to constructive criticism too.
haiti-79641_1280.jpgsourcecharitable work should be a lifestyle!

👉 When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

It's about 2 weeks I carried out such charitable work for my family, it's indeed a good thing to carry out good charity work for family to me because family always comes first before any other thing too. However, family remains top priority to me therefore, I hold them so much in high esteem.

A recent need came up in the family about 2 weeks ago, I was called to help family with resources, I diligently did it too and they remain grateful to me for that and I guess I don't want to voice it out as I highlighted, it's strictly confidential too.

👉 Your advice to others about charity

My advice remains candid to all, the more you perform charity activities to people, the more you stand a chance of building bond and friendship too among pals and associates. No one knows tomorrow therefore I guess you should sow your seed on various soil, as you never know which one would germinate, bear fruits and bless you later in life.

Charity should be done without thoughts of paying back. You cannot perform charity with mindset of getting it back. It should be done out of your benovelence and free spirits and not from a bowel of forceful compulsion.


Charity begins at home, the more you embrace charity work in our lives the greater we would build individuals which would storm the world with great values, providing a sustainable environment for the world populace.

I invite @pandora2010 @paholags @impersonal @sariana23 to join challenge

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