Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 Week 1: Neglect in Families, effects on kids.

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I am glad once again to drop my active participation in this great community yet again. I have envisaged writing here and I'm finally back. Here is my contribution to the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 Week 1

"What does neglect of responsibilities mean in a family"

In a family there are various responsibility bestowed on each and every member of such family. It starts basically from the head of the family down to the least kid in such home. Interestingly, performing these responsibilities indeed yields success and growth in the family.

Neglect of responsibilities in a family, means the sense of Irresponsibility and lack of respect by any member of the family to perform duties bestowed on such member, due to intrinsic factors of lack of respect and love of such individual for the family amidst other factors. It is a rising social issue in the family as it plays a role in deteriorating the family and influencing the growth of the family negatively.

"Have you been neglected or seen anyone neglected? What are the effects on the kids"

"Why is my food not ready?" The hungry husband asked his wife who was nervously shaking her legs vigorously in rage, she anticipated the moment anyways. Lisa had already been waiting for such moment having her husband starve for food for hours. Bruno couldn't hold it no more, he asked her the same question again, buy this time with more intense anger in her voice. She looked him with disdain and hissed. At the same second blows, punches and bullet kicks came raining on Lisa, like a hail stone! She least expected it but that was the effect of neglect of responsibility from a member of a family that would be a story for another

I'll be talking about the effect of neglect on kids, this is a stigma and it has a great effect on kids today, here are some of the effects on kids today.

Emotional Trauma

Most kids who have families who ignore or neglect their responsibilities end up having emotional trauma due to the sight of seeing their parents fight or having to quarrel. This is a major effect of neglect if responsibility on most kids today.
trauma-3485235_1280.jpgsourceyou can all see the trauma in his eyes

Domestic Violence

Most kids today end up being violent or turn out to being very outrageous when it comes to being angry, this is as a result of values the learn from home. Seeing parents fight and quarrel most times makes these kids end being this violent. They act up on values the learn from home. If you neglect these little things they could grow up with it and turn out to being social vipers!

Wayward Kids

Most kids who do get trained well as a result of neglect of responsibility by parents turn out to be wayward kids who end up tormenting the society at large due to the fact that they were denied the right upbringing to adapt well into the society, they turn out thieves, criminals, exconvicts and a host of others.
killer-820017_1280.jpgsourceneglected kid could turn violent criminals

"Your advice to parents who neglect their responsibilities towards their kids".

All I can say to them is, train uo your child in the way they should go and when they are old they would not depart from it. My major call to parents I to actually train their kids in the right path. They could do this in various ways such as;

Instilling Good Morals:
Kids learn mostly from what they see you do as their parents, therefore try as much as possible to live right and in doing this you instill good morals into them which would shape up their lives to being better people in the society.

Seek a Safe Home For Them:
In occasions where you see that you are so busy with activities that you have less time for your kids it's of great importance to seek a safe home fo them. It could be with another family, or with their sound friend s who would aid in training them in the right way. Kids need to be regulated in what they watch and all these would be violated in your absence, therefore a safe home would aid in training them perfectly.

Employ Special Services:
Most parents get to busy due to work or serious engagements, they neglect their responsibilities, therefore employing special services enable them to scale through. The services of nannies or social workers could aid these kids during their growing process. I would not actually feel neglected if these special services are implemented.

"Your advice to kids who are neglected".

I would advice these kids who are neglected to basically;

  • Seek advice from a therapist in extreme cases or talk to their teachers, religious rulers and other special academic and social tutors on what next to do, the stage of theses kids are crucial stages and should be handles with urgency, therefore they should contact their leaders and teachers.

  • They should visit most homes of their friends to learn some morals on how to be responsible as kids, this would help them get better with time as young and growing children.

  • Growing up as a kid, you acquire values from religious institution, school environment, mass media and social groups, therefore you could stand up to yourself by choosing good values which you learn from various socializing institutions , this would actually bring our a better version of whom you are.

I would be inviting @eliany @chant @yakspeace @dove11 @udyliciouz to join the challenge

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