SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

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I'm glad I am able to participate in this engagement challenge, this week's engagement challenge is "CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME", and its a very interesting topic, and as such I have shared my thoughts about it below.

What is my view about charity and do I believe that it should begin at home?

Charity for me, means showing responsibility or kindness, charity beginning at home helps to instill generosity and kindness to a person at an early stage in a family, but it shouldn't just stop at home, extending this kindness outside the home build a wider sense of community. While the home is a starting point, the real charity is reaching beyond our neighbors or friends, to creating positive impacts to the society at large.


What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what I have done for others.

The motivating factor behind charity is often the urge to help people, stemming from sympathy and a sense of responsibility. Whether we want to broadcast what we do or not, one's charitable act will also speak for them, Sharing inspires others but truth charity comes from the heart, and broadcasting it might dilute its sincerity.

When was the last time I carried out charity work to the members of my home.

Recently, I helped my family during a tough period. It wasn't that big.
Source It was just simple acts of support. I shared in my siblings chores, ease their burdens, by means of words of encouragement and prayers and I also listened to them without judgment. These gestures created a positive atmosphere at home. Charity, to me, begins with people closest to me. It's all about recognizing someone's needs and quietly offering help. Through frequent communications, we can uplift members of our family and our friends around us, making their struggles a shared journey. Not all charitable acts are always visible or acknowledged, but these little help weave an arras of support and care as well as a sense of togetherness amongst loved ones.

My advice to others about charity


Give because you want to give, don't give for recognition. Your little help matters, help a neighbor today, listen to a friend. Charity isn't all about giving material things like money, you can as well give your time, generosity, and sense of understanding. Beginning from home, in our everyday lives, you don't have to make it a grand gesture, genuine care speaks louder, share secretly, and don't always expect praises. Be available for those who need help, and don't discriminate. It's never about how much you can give but the sincerity behind it.
Let's allow charity be a humble force that quietly brightens the world.

I would love to invite @uduak3287, @uduak01 and @aprendeconkevin to comment and participate in this contest.

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