The diary game for 27-12-2023 || Washing cloths,Cooking and watching movie.

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Good day fellow steemian, welcome to my blog, this is my first diary post and I feel fantastic telling you guys about my day, it's feels like I'm talking to my diary, but thr only difference is my diary is not a book, but people who are interested to read about my day, stay tuned while i tell you all about my day.

Washing My Clothes

Before I start, Merry Christmas Everyone and a prosperous New Year. Today I woke at my normal time (7am), since I'm always at home and have no where to go everyday, my daily house routine is sweeping the house which I did, After that I ate my morning meal of Fried Yam and sauce, while resting for the meal to digest, I remembered I planed to wash clothes today, so I quickly gathered my dirty clothes and took them outside to wash.

Washing My clothes

Cooking Rice

I was done washing after about 2 hours, the clothes where plenty and very dirty, Not long after that my sister told me to cook rice that we would eat in the afternoon, I was like Cant you see I just finished washing my clothes?. But of course I didn't say it out loud, So I kept the rice on fire, While I knitted while waiting for it to cook, at some point I par boiled the rice and added everything in it, so the next time I will be checking it, will be to check if the ingredients are ok, or to bring it down.


Watching A Movie

Food was ready in no time, and I dished for myself first, cause I was the one that cooked and I was already hungry, the rest eventually came and dishes their food themselves. After eating I took a quick nap, and when I woke up there was light so I just came to the parlour to see a movie, and also to share my day with you guys.

Seeing a Movie

Nothing much happened today, but still having shared this little with you guys, I feel like I achieved a lot today. I would love to invite @saintkelvin17, @zekanem and @vudeme123 to join in this contest.

Thank you for reading my article

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