If Phones Were Humans...


Thank God for technology that gave people the knowledge of inventing the mobile phone. It's the phones we get to unite with our family, friends and loved ones. Our phones help us to finish our jobs quickly, we use our phones for research and learning, the list is endless.


For most people, their phones have become their best friends, confidant, comfort, husband, wife, you can name them. That's to say that we cannot roll out the importance of phones in our daily living. But the question is, if our phones were actually humans. Would they have survived the way you use them? It's a simple but difficult question actually, let's see.

Would your phones be alive today if it were a human? Give reasons for your answer

I laugh at this question. To be candid, my phone wouldn't have been able to make it if it was human. I mean, I do everything using this phone. I'm always on the phone, even at night. Either I'm reading or I'm blogging on Steemit. Chatting and scoring songs or most times reading different versions of Bibles and what have you.


The problem is that I'm not the only one who uses the phone, I have two technologists, (my children). They are the ones who help me make use of the phone sometimes. They either try to call their father or they are watching their favourite cartoons on the phone. If that is not enough, the way the two roughly handle the phone is another case entirely. With the harsh condition and usage, my phone would've been dead or seriously ill of one pain or the other.

Do you give your phones a rest or do you make it work 24/7?

My phone usually rests. That's when I'm in the classroom teaching or when I'm in the church. Most times, the phone usually rests at night when I'm sleeping, though it may be like 4–5 hours a night.


Describe a situation where your phone might feel happy, sad, or frustrated.

I think my phone will be happy when I play music because that doesn't disturb it at all, no pressing and when I'm blogging on Steemit because my phone knows I'm using it to create impact.

A situation where my phone would be sad will be when my children are the ones making use of it. This would be honestly frustrating and at the same time saddening because these ones can hit it on the floor with reckless abandon without minding.

My baby won't mind bathing the phone or even cooking it as long as she is happy.


What advice do you have on phone usage?

Though our phones are so important to us but we need to take some precautions;

  1. Allow yourself some times off the screen, it has a way of affecting you and even your health especially your eyes. I've also heard of mobile radiation that causes cansa. Limit your phone usage.

  2. Even when the phone is not complaining, the phone is an electronic device, it can cause/generate heat that may result in some unpredictable situations.


The important of phones to our daily living can not be over emphasized, but phone usage should be limited not a 24/7activity.

My friends @chilaw, @unyime23 and @negro-bby what are your views concerning this topic?

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