SEC14 WK #5 || Charity Begins At Home


Hi everyone, am glad to come around to contribute my quota to the community amid numerous entries. The topic for discussion is a vital and interesting one that cannot be overemphasized or underestimated due to its vast significant effects on humanity in relation to the kind gestures correlated with it.

What Is Your View About Charity And Do You Believe That It Should Begin At Home?

When it comes to the question of charity, I am overconfident, dogmatic, and fanatical about works of charity. Charity is the medium or pathway to reach out to humanity and attend to the needy and the less privileged. Giving arms to these less-privileged should be philanthropic rather than a display egotistically attempting to demonstrate prowess or ability.

It is a festive season and therefore will be a prime act of kindness to visit and celebrate with the less-privileged and motherless in their homes. This of course will make not feel left out and so dejected, it is a clear illustration of charity. Notwithstanding, it is very imperative and for the joy of it to, at this time, look around and reach out to our bydwellers regardless of how little.

Charity begins at home is an ancient true saying and indeed, neglecting our immediate territory to display philanthropism in the public spectacle is characterized by the saying "ukpaka na agba n'ezi" meaning "oil-bean seed that runs afar off". Doing it spatially and from home makes it a perfect unmixed devotion for works of charity. Supposing we bring home the things we crave doing outside, only would we be certain of its underlying acts.

What Is The Motivating Factor For Charity Work And Is It Good To Broadcast What You Have Done For Others


Tenderheartedness, kindness, compassion, the desire to replenish humanity, willingness to offer arms to people in awful conditions, and many more are the propelling force for charitable works. All fingers are not equal, so since there are people better than us, there are equally those we are better than. Therefore, we should look out for those we are better than and try within our capacity to be of help to them in any way we can.

Sometimes we throw our excesses into the bin and it doesn't occur to us that what we are disposing of is a need to someone out there. For crying out loud, we should be our brother's keeper, thinking twice before doing away with things we feel are no longer necessary to us. What joy is there to, for instance, throw food into the bin while there are people out there struggling just to see a square meal? This ought to be an animating factor for all of us.

Nevertheless, I naturally derive joy from giving so it is always delightful and satisfactory doing it. I also derive a sense of fulfillment anytime I engage in giving hence, I do not capitulate on giving or restrict myself from doing it. Even when I give, most times, my wife will not get to know about it from me but rather from the beneficiaries.

There is no need for public display of charity, generosity, giving, call it anything that we do to anybody be it the less-privileged, needy, the poor, or whoever it is. A public display of our charity does not make any better or worse. Moreover, everybody regardless of class or status needs a level of privacy, our charity beneficiaries are not exempted.

When Was The Last Time You Carried Out Charity Work For The Members Of Your Home


Charity works, for me, is a continuous thing. My family is my base, my immediate territory and so the starting point for my every move or gesture, never left out. In my little capacity during this noel period, most of my colleagues and cliques have felt my impact, my congregation is not left out, of course, my family was my first beneficiary this Chrimbo. My family, church, and workplace are my strengths of dasein, and good enough I was capable of reaching out to them in this period.

My home, work, and church have always been a routine, the three domains in which I will always be found, funny as it may. Anyway, it was quite good and interesting that none of these domains was forgotten or left out during the festive time

Your Advice To Others About Charity

There are people out there below, in need, perhaps looking up to us for survival. We can reach out to these people with the little within our capacity not waiting to get it all when we obviously know we can never ever get it all. Nobody has ever said am satisfied and am not making money again, so no matter how reach we are, we will always press for some more. Even the world's richest person is still in business, so let's do as much as we can.

As said earlier, all fingers are not equal, and funny enough, they aren't in any contest, all we are doing in this life is to struggle for survival and sustenance which is a natural phenomenon therefore, we are better observed when we recognize those in need of us. No matter how hard or well we want to reach out to people out there, our family and immediate community should be our takeoff point for our philanthropy.

It will be characterized as irresponsibility to be a public figure of charity or public philanthropist when our homes are deserted. Sometimes we mistake political giving for charity. Political giving comes with alloyed intention and results in public showoff.

With a happy heart full of compassion, we can be our brother's keepers, and watch our neighbor's back

Thank you, friends, I am @hisgeneral

Am inviting; @nokas, @chilaw, @shimmo

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