Christmas and Its Origin..Do you know?

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A huge greetings to my fellow steemians In steem kids and parents community, I trust y'all had a good and amazing day, it's a pleasure to summit my entry in this contest organized by @bossj23, in today blog I'm gonna share my thoughts about Christmas, journey with me as I pour out my thoughts.

What does Christmas mean for you?


Christmas is a popular moment in life people celebrate, most people believe that Jesus Christ was born in Christmas which lies in 25 December, each and every year people in different nation celebrate Christmas in the sense of Jesus birth.

To me, Christmas is a celebration that connects to false worship, the book Sacred Origins of Profound Things says that people started to celebrate the birth of Jesus after 200 years when Jesus Christ was born.

Trace the origin of Christmas, stating at least 3 facts that supports or counters the celebration.

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the Bible does not give an account about the birth of Jesus Instead it gives records about two birthdays which were pharaoh and Herod (Mark 6:26 Genesis 40:20) in the history this two birthdays result in people death.


While Jesus was on earth, he teaches people about God wills, there's no evidence in the Bible that shows when Jesus or his disciples advice us to celebrate Jesus birthday/Christmas, instead Jesus advise everyone who believes in him to always remember his death, he said keep doing this in remembrance of me (like 22:19, 1corinth 11:24).


The book of encyclopedia explained that the Romans pagans used to celebrate the birth of the sun on December 25, when church people wanted the pagans to worship God, they decided to celebrate Jesus birth on 25 December.

Was Jesus born on 25th December?

The Bible has not mentioned the particular day that Jesus Christ was born, but it said that the Shepherd were outside field when Jesus Christ was born, that means Jesus Christ was not born in winter season which is December, the book Daily life in time of Jesus said that flocks lived in the open air from the week before the Passover "late March” through mid-November, it adds they passed the winter under cover, no man would've took his shepherd outside field during winter season.

Also before Jesus Christ was born, caeser Augustus issued a decree ordering all the inhabited earth to be registered, everyone had to register in his own city, Joseph and merry were on a trip to register, caeser Augustus would've provoked people by asking them to make such a trip that took some people days or week in the winter season.

This two proof shows that Jesus Christ was not born in 25 December, the date is actually wrong.

Why do you choose to or choose not to celebrate Christmas?

Shortly, Christmas doesn't please God because it all started from the pagans later drive to churches and people start to celebrate, Jesus Christ himself didn't cared about celebrating his birthday/Christmas even his closeness disciples didn't .


I'm this blog, I've explained what Christmas mean to me, I've traced three fact that counter the celebration, I've also explained that Jesus wasn't born in 25th December and why I choose not to celebrate Christmas.

In difficult decision like this, it's best we do our own research to reveal the truth before we made our decision, we shouldn't make our decision depending on what we hear or what the doctrine said, through research you shall know the truth and the truth shall save you!!.

I'll love to invite @patjewell @goodybest and @ngoenyi to participate in this contest.

To everyone reading this post, I wish you all the best of life ❤️🫂.
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