SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

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Greetings my fellow steemians in steem kids and parents community, I hope you all had a remarkable day, it's a pleasure to take part in this contest week 5, the topic of today blog is charity begin at home, journey with me as I share my thoughts in this interesting topic.

What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?


In my own point of view and my sense of humor, charity are those good attitudes of goodness and kindness we feel towards people, when we talk about charity, we talk about those characters and attitudes we learned at home such as kindness, patient, sincerity, forgiveness and the likes of them.

It's definitely right and proper when people believe that charity should start at home, I am among the crowds of people that believe charity should begin at home, our home is the first stage of school we attend in life and it's compulsory to every human being.

What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others


Motivation factors for charity work are those reasons that contribute in helping people to show charity work, there are several factors that motivate people to show charity work among people.

Most people show charity work because of kindness, this attitude creates happiness in the heart of people that donate charity, the willingness to help others especially when a family or friends are in position of need, kindness is the root that push people to be willing to help others with full heart.

Recognition can be a reason that motivates someone to show charity, when someone feels to be recognized by everyone in the community, this kind of person can lively donate charity people and earn his benefits in return.

Like I said earlier, there're several good factors that motivate people to show charity, whatever your reasons for showing charity, it's not appropriate to boost, broadcast the help we offer people, you did good for showing people charity and you can be the answer to someone prayer by showing charity but trust me you can be the reasons why someone feel sad and low by broadcasting the charity you offer.

When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

It's not far, last week Friday when my mom needed someone to till her waterleap bed for her, she couldn't find anyone although she wanted to hired anyone she saw, she was really curious for not seeing someone, to be sincere I was sleepy, weak and tired because couldn't slept the last night because of my work, i didn't have a choice than to stood up and followed her to the garden, i was happy because i knew i did the right thing by helping mom, she was proud.

Your advice to others about charity

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Charity is an attitude practice by people not perfect people, don't panic you can choose your way of showing charity either by personal connection, recognition, willingness to help and the likes of them.

Hey friend, you can be the reason for someone's happiness by donating charity for people who deserve it,, you can also be reason for someone broken heart by broadcasting it to the Crowds , the decision is all yours, be the reason for someone happiness not broken heart.

Remember!! whenever you donate charity to your left hand side, don't expose it to your right hand side so your help may be in secret, then your lovely heavenly father will secretly reward you.


In this blog, we learned that charity are those attitudes we learned at home, be kind enough to donate charity to people in need, charity are practiced by people not perfect people, don't be the reason for someone heart break by broadcasting the help you offer them instead be the reason for someone happiness by helping in secret, guess what!! God will secretly reward you.

I'll love to invite @bossj23 @goodybest and @patjewell to participate in this contest.

To everyone reading and supporting this post, I wish you all the best of life ❤️🫂.
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