THE DIARY GAME FOR FRIDAY || 29- 12- 2023 || my day in words and pictures....

Design by me, edited on Canva.

Hey diary!!

I'm back as I promised.

The last time I put my thoughts into your page, it was about how I spent my Saturday, today I want to tell you about my day in words and pictures, trust me you won't regret reading.

Remember today is my meeting day (midweek church) I'm gonna tell you about my first ever five minutes preaching in Church which topic was How Can I Explain the Bible’s View of Homosexuality?

Back to my day!!


It was early 6 o'clock AM i woke up and started my day by reading my daily text as usual, the topic help me understand that it's not only prayer that can keep me close to God, reading his words and attending Christian meeting can also draw me close to God, after eating this daily food, i stood and did my house chores.

After I ate my breakfast I headed to work, here I reached safely but i was a little late, with what i saw the work seemed to be difficult because leakages were more than good waters but guess what!! There's much food to eat when you're tired, the acknowledgement puts workers more energy including me.


IMG_20231229_120740_032~2.jpg picture is was snapped and edited in my phone.

Around 10 o'clock AM, I begin to repack all the leakages and get them ready for sales, while on the process one of our lady staff was already headed to the market, honestly speaking the water was really much and i was getting exhausted but I didn't had any choice than to keep pushing, before 10 PM i was done with the leakages.

IMG_20231229_110047_281~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

Sometimes my mouth craves for strange things, guess what worried me? It was groundnuts that worried me deeply, thankfully there was 50 naira in my back pocket, i took it out and headed to my groundnuts customer shop, reaching there i saw only her young son, this boy was kind enough that he gave me extra fifty naira groundnuts, surprise I look like, a little boy of 9yrs having such attitudes of fruitful hand, i took a smile selfie with him.


IMG_20231229_131927_798~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

It was a sunny afternoon when the lady returned from Market and she started preparing food, I decided to accompany her helping in some things like i wash periwinkle while she was preparing others things, firstly she turned garri before cooking soup, she cook bitter leap (Etidot in my native language).

20231230_233240-COLLAGE~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

The soup was done within 40mins, she started serving the food to all the workers, day workers are 8 while night workers are 12, so she served the food to 8 workers including her, the food was delicious that everyone leak their hand and thank her, she's a wife material lol.

The clock was clocking faster, Thursday is always my midweek service so I had to returned home as early as 3:30 but that Thursday I returned home by dot three o'clock because it was my preaching day.


IMG_20231228_164406_9~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

My evening happened when I headed to Church, remember I said it was my first preaching in Church, immediately I step in to the church, I seriously feel weird, the courage to stand in front of the crowd, the big elders and others wise men was all i prayed for, I was told to breath in and out, keep calm amd start slowly, when it was time for my preaching the chairman for the day called my name, that feeling was so weird seriously.

I step in front and look at the crowd, I applied the strategies, I breathe in and out, keep calm and start slowly, the topic of the talk was How Can I Explain the Bible’s View of Homosexuality?, there i let my audience understand that this type of sex, i mean Homosexuality is a sin to God and anyone who is addicted to Homosexual can never inherit the kingdom of God.

IMG_20231228_175659_414~2.jpg picture was snapped and edited in my phone.

After five minutes I was done with the talk, I was happy and courageous when my audience appreciated me by a round of applause, the chairman words of appreciation put more courage to my faith, after everything the church was closed, lots of people came to encouraged me to keep up, trust me i was immense, the picture i snapped with @Allison001 can tell you that.


Hey diary!! I spent some hours at church with friends talking and gisting, people got laughed and more, I returned home lately I was exhausted because I really had a busy day at work, I tried replying to Facebook messeges but I couldn't due to my heavy and sleepy eyes, that was how i end my day, when i wake up the next day i was grateful because i did what i thought it is impossible.

I'll love to invite @bossj23 @patjewell and @goodybest to participate in this contest.

To everyone reading and supporting this post, I wish you all the best of life ❤️🫂.
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