Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) WK14; #1: Neglect In Families, Effects On Kids

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A hearty greetings to you all over here, how are you all doing? Its been such a good day and I just can't help than being happy. Welcome to this week's engagement challenge and I hope you have fun writing and reading different entries.

Neglect In Families could be seen as situation whereby parents shy away from the responsibilities that comes with parenthood. This disastrous act has caused the society more harm than good, infact it has cost the society a whole lot to beat even till today, in this contest, I will be sharing my cent on this.

What Does Neglect Of Responsibilities Mean In A Family


To me, neglect of responsibilities in a family has to do with a situation where parents or guardians decides to leave tilt themselves off the responsibilities of parenthood. It is a situation whereby parents refuse to take care of their children, leaving them to face their fate alone.

Also, it involves the act where parents/guardians decides to ignore part of their responsibilities in a child's life but rather focus on raising a half baked socially, mentally and psychologically trained kids. This is a situation where some parents will focus on Providing material needs and neglecting the psychological needs of the children, vice versa. This is not supposed to be so.

Have You Been Neglected Or Seen Anyone Neglected? What Are The Effects On The Kids?


For sure, I was raised in a broken home 😪😪. I know what it felt like, the night you just need motherly love but can't get, times you need some mental support from your dad but he will be bittered listening to you. It felt hell that till today I am still struggling with such experience. I mean, I wasn't raised with love, I don't even know what motherly love or fatherly love felt like, sometimes I envy those their parents takes care of them. Writing this brings tears to my eyes, my heart is so heavy.

I grew up with my stepmother and father, all I had was punishment and punishment, my school fee was neglected, I was forced to early child labour, I fed from the street. Nobody really cared apart of my elder sisters and my God mother. I owe them. I couldn't get the necessary support I should, that is why I am still struggling with my education. There was once i had to take my dad's bread and ate without his permission and I suffered bruises till date. Its really painful but then God brought a Godmother that took care of some of my material and psychological needs.

Your Advice To Parents Who Neglect Their Responsibilities Towards Their Kids.


As parents, you should be ready to handle the baggages that comes with parenthood. These are the leaders of tomorrow you are bringing to this world, take care of them, invest in them and make sure you come through for them.

Also, parents who finds pleasure in neglecting their responsibilities to their kids, be sure to handle the repercussions later because when your kids are forced and influenced by peer pressure, you will also feel the heat even more than them. Be sure to raise them right.

Nobody will take care of your child more than you, do all you can to give your kids the best life you can. Even the Bible says that an irresponsible man is worse than an infidel. Save yourself the danger of future roques, you might never survive to tell the tale.

Your Advice To The Kids Who Are Neglected


As kids who are left by parent who do not see irresponsibility as a gravy act, stand strong and be life willed to succeed. Even without sponsor, you can still live the dream life.

Do not let peer pressure influence you negatively, pride yourself with virtue, go through the pains and torture, it is for a moment, I have lived through it, I know it's not easy, you also can live through it. Be strong and take God first, He is the one to see you through.

I invite @emily08, @unyime23 and @josepha to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading

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