My Promotion, Recruitment, And Mentorship file๐Ÿ‘‰ Download A Twitter App/Share Your Post links on Twitter


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Hello dear friends and wonderful members of steem kids and parents community, it is my delight to bring you this amazing tutorial in form of mentorship on how to download a Twitter app, create your page if you have not done so and then share your post links on Twitter.

It is no longer a news that we have to join hands to promote our dear steemit and community and make it go viral. At least, it is something we all can do with ease.

Here, is a tutorial that is going to follow the following order

  • How to download a Twitter app

  • How to create a Twitter page

  • How to tweet your post links

  • How to copy the shared link of your post link to your steemit post comment and add the screenshot.

It is surely going to benefit you if you follow along till the end and practice what you have learned. Let's go ๐Ÿ‚

How to download a Twitter app

We all have a playstore on our mobile devices or our computers. I will be demonstrating this from my mobile device.

Simply go to your playstore app

Screenshot_20230623-135255.jpgthis is the playstore icon

Then click to open, once opened, go to the search icon to type in Twitter

Screenshot_20230623-135512.jpgthis is where to type in the twitter after clicking the search icon
Screenshot_20230623-135534.jpgthis is the place to click to download. Mine is update because I already downloaded it.

Then proceed to click the download. After it has downloaded successfully, click open to go to Twitter and create your page.

How to create a Twitter page

First, think of your username to use. Get the phone number to register with handy. And your email address to use.

Then go straight to create account. The arrow one the screenshots shows where you are to click to follow up until you are finally done.


Twitter account is very easy and simple to create. Only that you can not use the phone number you had already used for the same purpose. Carefully follow the steps or then your account or page is set for use. How then can you share your steemit post links on Twitter? Let's go๐Ÿ‚

How to tweet your post links

After you must have posted your publication on steemit in any community, all you need to do is to copy the link to that your post you intend to share on Twitter. Below is the screenshot that shows what I mean.

Make sure the post is open

Screenshot_20230623-190507.jpglet the post open this way as if you want to read the article

Then go to your address bar and click the copy icon as shown in the screenshot below


Then go to your Twitter app and click open. Once it opens, click on the icon shown on the screenshot below


Screenshot_20230623-190807.jpg|once you click, it will direct you to click again to open t
He page where you will paste the post link you copied from steemit


Paste the link there as shown below


Sometimes you may be asked to add a hashtag (s) as you are sharing the link. Then, just shift the link down once and add the hashtags as shown below


You can see the hashtags I added there., #steemit #steem #steemkidsnparents. The last one is our community Twitter account name. Always use it so that we can get a notification that you have shared a post you made on our community here.

Then click tweet as shown below


Congratulations, you have successfully shared your post on Twitter.

But then, you will need to copy the link of that Twitter share as well as the screenshot as a prove that you have shared a post and add at the comment section of that post that you shared the link on Twitter. Let's do it now

How to copy the shared link of your post link to your steemit post comment and add the screenshot.

To do that, click on home icon as shown below


Then you will see the post you shared, click on share icon to be able to copy the link there


Then also take a screenshot of that post there on Twitter and go to the comment section of that post and click on reply. The upload the screenshot and then paste the link you copied. See the one I copied


Then you are done. Keep doing this on all your publications if possible especially the ones you have shared on steem kids and parents community. We need you to do that.

Please let's know at the comment section if you aren't getting it right or for any other question


This is my introductory post here


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