SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home


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It is another wonderful topic in this amazing community. Charity is one thing that most humans take part in. We are made to help others whether we are rewarded for it or not. Some charity works go unnoticed by humans while some are noticed. But the sure truth is that the Almighty noticed everything we do to help others and that is what matters most to me as individual.

I will be using the contest tips to explain more on this topic.

What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Charity can be said to mean the show of generosity or assistance given to someone in need. That is to say, that there is a receiver and a giver. Such acts is shown without expecting something in return from the recipient. It is done from the heart without recourse to whether the beneficiary will have the ability to repay or not.

I believe that charity should begin at home. This is because, the home is the primary place where great qualities and characteristics are learnt and taught by parents. The home front provides the environment for a person to showcase great qualities possessed by him. So if such a person is a charitable and generous person, it must be displayed at home first before doing so to non members of his family, although it depends on the circumstances surrounding the individual.

So family members will be able to confirm and prove that the person is a generous individual, before such testimony will come from the outside.


If such is not displayed at home, then anything of such practiced outside is just a showoff or just to get something in return.

What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

The motivating factor for charity should be purely out of love and compassion for the individual. His desire to help the person out when in distress without any form of attachment or condition. Such giving stems from the heart with an innate desire to change the person's difficult circumstances.

Giving should not be advertised or made public in any form, in order to attract glory from onlookers. Once it is made public, it simply means that you want the fame attached to it and not simply to help out the person. Though some charity work can not be hidden from onlookers, it is best to allow others to broadcast it instead of you.

Even the Holy book said that the right hand should not see what the left hand is giving and it also said that The Almighty who sees in secret will relay you in secret.

So it is bad to broadcast your gifts of charity to others. Let others speak for you if you have carried out charity.

When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home.

Giving of charity is a regular action that does not have a specific time or place. To my family members, it is something that I do on a daily note. Giving to my family members makes me happy. It can be as little as buying a snacks to taking them out to have a nice time with them. It could also be helping out in certain family pressing needs.

All these acts of charity helps in keeping the bond of my family together.
In our last conversation that took place on 15th to 17th of this month, I also did some charity work.

Your advice to others about charity.

Giving is one of the qualities which all of us should strive to cultivate. It gives inner sense of joy and satisfaction knowing that you were used by the Almighty as an instrument to help someone in need. If we can learn to give without reservations or conditions attached to it, then true blessings will come from the Almighty.

Let us try our best to assist members of our households who are in need as we carry out Charity works because it should begin at home before it translates to those outside. Let's be our brothers keepers.

Remember that he who freely waters others will himself be freely watered.

I invite @beefit @kemsyluv and @hannybanny to take part in this contest


This is my introductory post here


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