SEC14 WK:#6: "Welcome!"


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I warmly welcome you all to this week 6 and which is the final week of this season 14 engagement challenge. Coincidentally, it is the first week of the year, 2024, hence, welcome to this brand new year. I am always grateful to the Almighty each day of my life for helping me to see the new day, week, month and year. But the most important way to be grateful is my our words of mouth and actions.

In this week's contest, we are asked to talk about the word, "welcome". Using the contest tips, I will like to talk about it and how as well as why I use it daily.

👉What does 'welcome' mean to you and what do you use it for? Mention 3 instances

It is a word that is used to greet someone who comes to my home, or anyone who visits a new place. It is a word used to indicate the presence or arrival of a guest. This shows the pleasure you have to have such a person in your midst. It can also be used to show your deepest pleasure for a gift received from someone.

Also when we are thanked for an assistance of help we rendered to someone, we can say welcome to indicate acceptability of their thanks in a polite way.

Like I slightly mentioned, there are several instances we can use the world welcome.

° to welcome the arrival of a guest in an occasion or at our home when they come visiting.

° we can use it to show acceptability of a thanks said to us by someone in appreciation of aids rendered to him

° I also use it when it comes to accepting a change to something. Like welcome a development, which means accept or to love the change or recent development.

° I use it when a new baby is born to welcome the child to this world.

° I also use it to welcome newbies to steemit when they publish their introduction post in Newcomers community.

° I use it to welcome a revived steemian who were formally inactive but who came back to start blogging again

° just this evening during our Midweek meeting at our kingdom hall, someone was announced from the platform that he just moved in to our congregation and at the end of the meeting, I met him in person to welcome him to our congregation.

The list goes on and on.

👉How do you feel when this word is used for you and how do you also think the person you use it for feels about it.

My people say that when you are invited to any home or occasion, you feel very free and bold to be there and when you are given a warm welcome, then you have your liberty. This statement is true because an invitation goes with a welcome. Hence, when I am welcomed or I am told welcome, it makes me feel free and happy because it is a sign of acceptance or a way of approval so to speak.

In a nutshell, I feel happy and fulfilled. I feel at ease with the person and place. And I feel belonged of it is in an occasion. If it in a home, I feel free. If it is an individual that used that word to accept my greetings, I then feel happy with the person. It feels good to be accepted and that is what that word represents.

Concerning the other person who I used the word for, I think he or she will have the same feelings like me. There is no two ways about it that he or she will feel free with me.

👉Why should you use this word more often and why is it important to teach our kids to use it

It is always good to make the people around you to feel at home. Relationships are strengthened when this word is often used.

When used often, the kids will easily learn to use the same word. We want to teach our kids valuable lessons not just in words but in actions and of course, kids learn lessons faster when we demonstrate what we want them to learn in actions. So using this word often will provide a wonderful opportunity for the kids to get used to it and start using it.

The kids will like to be free with those around them, be it their parents or friends. This word works the magic. The kids thrive more in the atmosphere of acceptance rather than where they are not free to express themselves. I will like to teach the kids to use this words because they too are growing into adulthood and will likely teach others about it especially the upcoming generations. They can be able to pass this value from generation to generation.

IMG_20231216_073843_508.jpgI am my son. A welcome picture after his baptism

👉As you welcome 2024, what are your expectations and how do you intend to achieve them?

Well, it is obvious that many have so many plans and expectations for the new year. From my side, I do not really place much expectations since I take one day at a time.

But first and foremost, the basic thing that I expect most each day is life and good health. When there is life and good health, then plan and efforts can be invested in order things to make it work.

So each day I thank the Almighty for life and good health.

I also do my best to play my own role of living a healthy life by watching the things I eat, the lifestyle that I live, making sure that I am not responsible for a wrong turn on my health.

I try to engage in exercise regularly to keep for and ensure some joint pains would be much as aging comes into play.

Once this part of my expectation is sustained, the rest can be worked and achieved with the strength that comes from the God.

Apart from that, I will like to be more consistent here on steemit and keep building my steempower. I will like to create more original contents.

I will like to recruit and revive more users on the blog and to mentor them.


Welcome is a very important word in our everyday life. Using it more often promotes good relationships both among family members and friends. I will like to use it more often this 2024 and beyond.

Thank you all for reading through. I invite @graceleon, @heriadi and @drhira to take part. The contest is here. Success to you all in your participation!


This is my introductory post here


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