Hello everyone,welcome to my publication on food. I hope we are all doing great? . Today I'll be showing how to make a delicious tasty dish known as Tomatoes Egg sauce.
Tomatoes egg sauce is a widely delicious dish that is very popular in Nigeria and can be prepared in various ways because it's easy to make.
The ingredients needed for this depends on the number of the mouth that wants to eat it, but I'll be showing for 1 mouth because it's made for myself.
1 large egg
3 fresh tomatoes
1 red onions
Pinch of salt to taste
3 fresh pepper
Butter or vegetable oil. (I like butter for small fried because it has its flavour).
- I first of all wash all my ingredients before going into the cutting stage.
Break my egg into a small bowl an beat it. Then add the salt.
Cut into cubes my tomatoes.
Chop my onions.
Pound my pepper.
I prepare this and set aside. Now for the method of preparation.
- Place the pan on low heat, I add my butter an allow it dissolve.
- I then add my chopped onions and allow cook for some seconds.
- Then I add my diced tomatoes and allow it cook for 3 minutes.
- I stir it and then add my pepper and allow it cook for some seconds.
- I then pour in my egg and allow it cook and I stir it
It's ready for consumption. Now, people can use this to eat other food like boiled yam/plantain, fried yam/plantain, rice and bread. I used mine to eat bread.
This tomatoes egg sauce contains:
Vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and less fat.
It provides protein to the body.
Egg vitamin is good for cell membrane development and brain function.
The egg provided choline and betaine that's good for the heart.
This dish is mostly taken as breakfast because it's easy to prepare. But it can be taken at anytime of the day. Thank you.