Hello SteemKids and Parents!
Guess what! This week is number 50 of "I spy with my little eye!"
Did you know?
• 50 is a composite number as it has more than two factors
• They say 50 is the start of new beginnings
• Birthday 50 is also known as the "golden birthday"
• America has 50 states
• If you are 50, you are called a "quinquagenarian"
It's time for last week’s clues.
1. It is a 10-letter word starting with “E”
2. It can be a display or performance
3. It can be solo or a group
4. It can be public or it can be private
And the correct word is "EXHIBITION."
I am sure that if you reread the clues, they now all make sense, and the word hardly needs any explanation.
Of importance about the word "EXHIBITION" is that it can be a display of something or it can be an act by someone. Let me explain by using the word in two sentences.
The artist held a public exhibition of his various works of art at the Johannesburg Art Gallery last month.
During the Golden Shears International Shearing Championships, the sheep shearers gave the audition an exhibition of their skills with their shears.
This week, we have a winner! Congratulations @princa
I had to smile. One guess, and you all surrendered, or was the word too difficult for you?
This brings the prize for our next game to 2 STEEM BUT, because it is our 50th game, I am going to make it 5 STEEM.
Time for your next game!
The game is exactly like last week;
The game “I spy with my little eye” is sort of a detective game. The “spy” is the person who sees something, and the rest of the players must then guess what the spy is seeing.
Of importance, it must be something that you can see and not something you can feel, like an emotion.
BUT, “I spy with my little eye” is so much more than just a spy game;
- It is a thinking game
- It teaches you how to use your logic and reasoning and
- It grows your vocabulary
The contest
For today, I am going to give you the letter with which the word starts plus 4 points, or “clues,” that you can take into consideration to figure out what the word can be.
Ready or not… let’s learn, play, and win!
I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “M"
1. It is a 9-letter noun
2. It can be applicable to an individual, society, social class, etc.
3. A time period
4. Freedom for the individual
How to participate?
- You can reply to this post by posting your word, or you can write an article about your word
- You can only enter once
What is up for grabs?
The first correct answer will take home 5 STEEM this week.
The word and the winner will be announced next week on Wednesday; therefore, make sure you don't send in your answer later than Tuesday 23:59 UTC.
If there is no winner, the prize will carry over until there is one.
Until next week, keep guessing!
15% to Steemkidss