Hello SteemKids and Parents!
As they say, all good things come to an end sooner or later.
Well, my strike is over, as after three weeks, we have a winner!
Before we get to the winner, let’s take a last look at last week’s clues;
1. It is an 11-letter word starting with "C"
2. It can be an action to rectify
3. It can be a change to fix
4. It can be a scolding to improve
And the correct word is " CORRECTIONS."
Better than the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, I cannot explain the three different meanings of this word.
1: the action or an instance of correcting
2: a change that makes something right
3: punishment or scolding intended to correct faults of character or behavior

What is wonderful about Steemit is that even on this platform, we all get a chance to make some corrections.
Corrections to how we write our posts, how we vote, how we comment, and how we build our business.
All we need to do is watch and learn from others. I want to urge you all to watch and correct this coming week. It won’t be in vain. Good luck!
Now it is time to announce the winner. Congratulations! @johnmitchel
You’ve earned yourself a whopping 11 STEEM!
This brings the prize for our next game to a 2 STEEM.
Time for your next game!
The game is exactly like last week;
The game “I spy with my little eye” is sort of a detective game. The “spy” is the person who sees something, and the rest of the players must then guess what the spy is seeing.
Of importance, it must be something that you can see and not something you can feel, like an emotion.
BUT, “I spy with my little eye” is so much more than just a spy game;
- It is a thinking game
- It teaches you how to use your logic and reasoning and
- It grows your vocabulary
The contest
For today, I am going to give you the letter with which the word starts plus 4 points, or “clues,” that you can take into consideration to figure out what the word can be.
Ready or not… let’s learn, play, and win!
I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “M"
1. It is an 11-letter word
2. It is an adjective
3. "To turn the other cheek"
4. A good gesture
How to participate?
- You can reply to this post by posting your word, or you can write an article about your word
- You can only enter once
What is up for grabs?
The first correct answer will take home 2 STEEM this week.
The word and the winner will be announced next week on Wednesday; therefore, make sure you don't send in your answer later than Tuesday 23:59 UTC.
If there is no winner, the prize will carry over until there is one.
Until next week, keep guessing!
15% to Steemkidss