Contest skids&pars 4 Weeks Of Colors: Week #3- Your Third Best Color. 12 Steem Powerses jv

hello friends how are you doing I hope all are moving fine and great am so so happy to publish this great content into this great community and I also am happy to participate in this great contest, and I fully know that it will be so so interesting

I really have my third best colour and it is really this best it is so so amazing and guess what it is yellow colour, thus colour really makes any artwork look more attractive and beautiful and also it add light I to and design and make it looks amazing, I really love this colour and it please me whenever I set my eyes on it

I will love to invite most of my friends to join this great contest and also I hope and am sure that the will publish more of quality content the include the following people @vincent100 @graceani @chukwu10 @goodybest and many people

What is your third best color out of the 4 colors you love so much?


my best third colour our of the 4 colour is yellow this colour looks so so beautiful and I love it so so much, this colour also make everything artwork more bright and beautiful and also attractive, this colour is so so wonderful and beautiful, any time I really set my eye to this colour I feel so happy and as amaze because the colour is so cute, due to the love I have for this colour is a beautiful clothes and it really looks so so great and fine, wearing that clothes really makes be handsome and beautiful and am really happy and attractive whenever I wear that clothes


I also have many clothes that wear to having this Yellow colour on it and any clothes that doesn't have such colour is to hard for me to buy, wearing such colour really makes me so attractive to people and at last the will appreciate the beauty of the colour, I will also stand to say the yellow colour is the best and it gives light to any artwork or design, making them so beautiful and attractive and will really makes people to rush and buy your products

Do you have anything that has that color, if yes, you can share with us at least 1 Image.

yeah I really have a special clothes that I love so so much and it is really beautiful and attractive to people, this clothes really means a lot to me and it really makes me happy and comfortable, also whenever I wear this clothes people really appreciate me and really wish to have that clothes, I bought the material which was bearing yellow colour and why I bought it is because I love yellow colour


I normally wear this yellow because it makes me look more handsome and beautiful and l normally wear this special clothes to church, I also have my clothes bearing Yellow colours and also it is so so hard for me to buy a clothes that is not having a yellow colour, yeloiw is always my best colour and especially it makes any things that is bearing it so attractive and beautiful

Does that color appear in the natural world? Where and on what can we see the colors. Include pictures if any.

yeah this color really appear in many natural place and the really looks so wonderful and great, yelow colour appear naturally in flowers and the are so so attracted and great especially the China rose flower this follower is so so beautiful and it is used for many artwork, yellow folder are really the best and the also look so so attractive and nice


it also appears in many ways but the most precious one that I love is when it comes to flower section, I really love flowers especially with yellow colours also it can appear in banana friuts and many others friut and also only looking at them you will really be attracted to eat them, the are so beautiful and attractive and look wonderful

Why do you love that color, at least 4 reasons why that color is your best.


this colour is so so attractive and beautiful and if it should be used for any design or artwork it will attract more people to but your product and also it makes design more beautiful and cute, also wearing any clothes that really have this clothes attach to it really makes the person love more attractive and beautiful


this colour is one of the most beautiful colour I have ever seen and also using it for any artwork or design really make that design more beautiful and it add light to it, yellow color is so amazing and if it is add to any clothes it really makes that clothes look more beautiful and also the person wearing it to look so beautiful to


Yello colour is so classic and beautiful and it is always used to produce many things like clothes, material and many other things,and the aim of using such colour is so make that colour more attractive and beautiful and also easy to sell more quickly because the beauty really attract people


yellow color is really the best and also an amazing colour, it beauty really makes me amaze and feel nice and comfortable, also any time is see any clothes with yellow colour I will really feel so amazed and also be forced by my spirit to purchase such product and also any thing I wear such clothes bearing the colour I really look so amze and beautiful

write a message to that color telling it how much you love it.

dear yellow colour
Am so happy to have you as my best colour that's because of your beauty and how special you are to me, you are such a colour with an attractive beauty your beauty really makes me so so amaze and happy and any time I set my eyes on you I feel happy and excited, you are the most beautiful colour that always makes me happy and comfortable, and I promise that I will never leave you to another colour, thanks for going through this lovely post of my I really love you

If you are to choose a third best color again, will you still choose this color? Why will you stick to this choice, or why not?

I will never choose a their colour again and I stand to say that for me that there no colour better that yellow at my thrid choose, yellow will continually be my third best colour and no colour will I choose above it, I so much love this colour and it really gives me joy and happiness, and the beauty of such colour is incomparable, it has no other color to be compare with because it beauty is so great and beautiful


thanks for going through this beautiful content of my I really appreciate and also I hope that it was so so interesting and nice thanks for you time spent, thanks for reading and thanks for rewarding my content see you next time I really appreciate
my regards❤️❤️💗💗

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