SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

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Hello friends

Is it true that charity begins at home?

What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Charity simply means love. That's what a translation of the bible called it. Charity also can means good works. Any work done to help others in need of it is called charity.

Charity should begin at home yes I believe so. Remember I said charity is any act of love, kindness, affection or good works shown to someone. Therefore, this simply means if you are to express love to people you don't know, or people outside, then you should have first practice with your loved ones at home or those closest to you.

I had this wealthy uncle when I was growing up. He was trained in school by my father. When he got a job and began working, he never showed appreciation to my Dad. Each time we go to church, we hear of the many good works he does for people. And some of the people come to us singing the praise of my uncle.

But we his immediate family has no good thing to say about him. Some of my relatives even went to him for help but he would not help them. One day a cousin of mine got so upset and told him uncle Charity begins at home.

What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

Motivation for charity work should be love. Love should be the basis for everything good rendered to anyone.

When you properly love, there is nothing you can not do for people. Love should be the foundation for charity work.

Broadcasting what you have done to other people isn't a good attitude at all. Why should you broadcast what you have done? It simply means there is no reward for you anymore.

Sometimes I see people online do good works and camera's are everywhere taking record of the happenings. If you ask me I don't think it is good. Even the bible is against it. When you do something for some one, you should keep it as secret and God will bless you.

When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

My family came back home for Christmas to spend the Christmas holiday together. Two days ago we noticed our house didn't have light while other buildings had light.

The phones of my parents and siblings was so down. I stepped out to one of our abandoned building and noticed there was light there. I quickly took the extension I came back with and plugged it there. I went further to collect the phones of everyone and the rechargeable lights and plugged it.

I stayed over there for more than 4hours waiting for the phones of everyone to get filled so I can return it to everyone. Finally I left there by 10:30pm at night yesterday with everyone's phone charged and rechargeable lights charged.

My parents and siblings were so happy about what I did for them, they thanked and bless me.

Your advice to others about charity

Doing the charity work is good. But the motive for charity at the end is what matters.

I would would like to advice that the work of charity should not be motivated by selfish interest. It should come purely from the heart.

God is always interested in charity that is not brought to the public. So when you do a charity work in secret without publicizing it, God rewards you for that. But charity brought to public has no reward from God.

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