SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home.

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

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Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Today I'm going to participate in the fifth week of Steem Kids & Parents community steemit engagement challenge. Our topic this time is Charity Begins At Home. It is true that charity starts at home because a child is given his proper education by his parents from early childhood. If we promote the positive aspects of charity among our family members then we will have the mentality to help outsiders. Today I will give my opinion on this subject based on the question given in the competition.


👉What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

Charity is a quality that I think every human being should possess. A man's mentality can be known by charity. From my point of view, charity is the voluntary giving of something for others without any expectation of gain. It must be like a noble work. Charity is a shining example towards people. Also serving a human being and helping the needy people I mean I think it is a good act of worship.


I am a believer that charity begins at home. Because he who cannot love his own people, he will not be able to love outside people. I have seen that charity begins at home first, from which our humanity towards others grows. And this is how people prove their superiority in humanity to another person.


👉What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

For me, charity is an inspirational act. When a person helps the helpless and distressed people on his own initiative, then people act as a kind of compassion towards people. And extending a hand of help to a helpless person means that his self-esteem will increase. Following are two motivating factors for me for charitable causes:

  • Firstly, Allah's pleasure can be obtained through charitable works. Which motivates me a lot towards this work.

  • Secondly, the bond of love and brotherhood between people is strengthened through charity. So charity plays a motivating role in improving relationships.

I never like broadcasting when I help or donate something to others. Because my religion Islam does not support it. According to Islam, if we give something to someone, if I give it with my right hand, my left hand should not know. So I never support broadcasting helping or donating to others.


👉When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

Ever since I was established in life I have done charity work for people around me, known or unknown, including my family. Apart from my family members, I have always stood by my office colleagues in danger. A great example of charity in my life is when I owed about 1,20,000 Bangladeshi Taka (4,800 steem ) as house rent from a relative.

As their financial situation is not good, I waive this amount owed to them. Along with that, we donate another 20,000 Bangladeshi Taka (800 Steem) to meet their financial needs. Also, if any helpless poor people ask me for help on the street, I always donate them.


👉Your advice to others about charity

My suggestion in this regard is that charity is another name for human service. As the scope of our life is wide, the mentality of those who do this work with devotion and devotion is also very large. Just as my parents taught me to stand by people in danger, I also advise people around me about this great work.


Because the person who shows mercy to others will receive the mercy of Allah Almighty. And this is the meaning of my life as a Muslim. So everyone must have an interest in charity work. By doing this, the society will be developed along with the improvement of the people's life.


I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @irawandedy, @wilmer1988 to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link.

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