SEC14 WK:#5: Charity Begins at home

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Step right up, incredible readers, and buckle up for a thrilling journey into the heart of my bustling household circus! As the ringmaster of this domestic spectacle, I'm not just juggling the chaos of a three-year-old tornado; I'm also here to spill the piping hot beans on my vibrant philosophy of charity – a philosophy as lively as my morning routine. Imagine convincing a tiny human to embrace broccoli; it's practically an Olympic feat, and if you've been in the parenting arena, you know the struggle is as real as it gets.
👉What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

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Not once every blue moon, but every day, starting at home, I do good things for other people. Giving money to people isn't the only thing that matters. How we care for and treat our family and friends is also important. . In a world fixated on grand gestures, I argue that the real magic happens when we sow the seeds of empathy and kindness right within the four walls of our homes. After all, a compassionate society isn't built on external philanthropy alone; it thrives on the warmth we share with our loved ones.

👉What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

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I believe that even small acts of kindness can affect the world, which motivates me to give back. Fostering harmony requires ensuring community members' welfare. And the best part? The real reward is an internal one – that warm glow of knowing you've made a difference. It's a motivator so powerful, it doesn't need the applause of a cheering crowd.

But ah, the question lingers: should you broadcast your charitable exploits? In my humble experience, the purest form of charity is born from a selfless desire to ease others' burdens, sans the need for public praise. Shining a spotlight on our acts of kindness can sometimes overshadow the act itself, shifting the focus from the deed to the doer. So, I say, let the quiet fulfillment of helping others be its own reward – a reward far more profound than any external recognition.

👉When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

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I remember how tiny acts of kindness strengthened our family during my journey. Whether it's lending a hand to my husband's duties or creating a nurturing space for my tornado-in-chief daughter, charity is woven into the fabric of our daily lives. It's in these seemingly ordinary actions that the spirit of charity truly comes alive.

👉Your advice to others about charity

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For those of you who want to join the charity funfair, here's some advice: start small, right at home. There's no need for big acts of kindness; all you need is someone to listen, offer mental support, or lend a hand. Little ones can learn to care about others and be socially responsible by taking part in small acts of kindness. By encouraging a culture of giving in the family, we build caring people who will definitely spread their kindness to the rest of the community.
In the grand finale, remember this: charity isn't a one-time spectacle; it's a lifestyle that unfolds its magic right at home. The motivation for charitable acts lies in the pure satisfaction of making a positive impact, with public acknowledgment taking a back seat to the genuine desire to lend a helping hand. So, join me in incorporating charity into our daily routines within the family, and together, let's sow the seeds of compassion that will surely blossom into a tapestry of kindness for all to see. Step right up, dear readers, and let the magic of charity unfold in your very own homes!


I would like to invite my friends @ridwant @mile16 @paholags @tahispadron to participate in this contest .


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