Thediarygame for 22/12/2023: A Road Accident

It is good to be alive. A lot of people left home today but ended up in the morgue. The little things if life should be valued. Hello Steemians, I trust you are all well. Welcome to my blog.
Waking Up Early And An Accident

In the morning I work up very early in order to be on time for the bus which would take me to retreat ground that started yesterday. I was awake by 5 and before 6am I was ready, this is because I always love to be on time.
The bus came and we left, on our way I heard the driver shout Jesus so I looked up and in front of us a cyclist had tried dodging an incoming motorist and fell into the gutter. The cyclist was carrying a lady and her son. Our driver went down and with other people helped the bike man pull his bike out of the gutter. The woman was crying as she was still in shocked, visibly shaken and injured.
I thanked God for sparing their life, it could have been worse.

The accident victims

When we arrived at the church I saw two cows and alot of cooking equipments. I was excited because it meant today's meal would be good, I began anticipating.



For the rest of the day it was just teaching, preaching, singing and praying on repeat.
When it was time for us to be served breakfast we were given okpa, I was disappointed because I was very hungry. I ate the okpa and drank plenty water.
For lunch we given okro soup, oh God I've eaten worse. This okro was bad with small meat. But I had to eat it or go outside and eat my own food.


In the evening we were served rice and beans which was a bit okay


I came online to hear about steemians in this community having a hangout in Uyo. I felt bad that I did not attend because I am not in Uyo. I hope to make it next time.

I hope you will learn to be grateful for life and be contented with the little you have because people out there are wishing for what you have.
Thank you for visiting my blog
Do stop by another time.
I invite @bossj23, @comfortpeter and @mesola to join in this game.


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