Thediarygame for 22/12/2023: Attending A Retreat

Hello steemians, how is the celebration over there. I hope we are all rejoicing and merrying in this yuletide season. I'm here to gist you all about my day... Happy reading.



This morning I woke up and just lay on the bed with nothing much on my mind to do.
Then I remembered I had to get some documents from a shop faraway. I stood up and got ready. While getting ready to leave the house I met my neighbour who decided to escort me to the ace to get my document.
We walked and gisted along the way about many topics one of which was the trending fashion people were wearing.
While passing a place I saw this children playing drums and it was beautiful.

Along the way I started feeling hungry and it dawned on me I have not eaten since morning and this was almost noon. I had no cash on me so there was no way to help myself. I was also very thirsty. My neighbour was not also with any cash to help. The distance to the place took us 30mins, we now had to trek 30mins back home.



When we got home I was already weak, I drank water and took my books to go and read. I passed by the room of one my neighbour and he said something I didn't hear very well so I stopped to listen again. I jokingly told him I thought he was asking me to come and eat cos that was how it sounded(maybe because I was just hungry and was hearing things😆).
He then asked if I had not eaten and I said no, he said I should bring plate. My gosh I dashed like flash and in a second I tendered my plate and was served jollof rice. It was not much but it was enough to hold me down for the some hours. I was just grateful to God for coming through at a point we're all hope was lost to evening.



Retreat for those of us who are unaware is an occasion where a church or a Christian organisation go and camp for a few days in a place and learn about God.
Today I attended a retreat like that. We left by 4pm and joined the bus to the retreat venue.
I attended the service and after that we were told to get a place to sleep. We were also served porridge yam.
I wanted to sleep over but there wasn't any space to charge my phone, so when I heard they'd be a free bus back home I joined immediately.

Tomorrow I will attend.

That's basically how my day went my friends, I hope I don't get to trek like that again because it is not good for the body.
I had a wonderful time in God's presence although I do not have pictures because my battery was low and my phone went off.

I invite @mesola, @bossj23 and @comfortpeter to share their DIARYgame.
Thank you for reading
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