Manticore: Battle Strategy

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Notes: This post was previously published on my blog on another blogging platform.

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Manticore: Battle Strategy

Hi friends, today I'm going to tell you about the Manticore card.


Manticore is a card from the Reward collection and is an epic card of the dragon element.
It is a very good card and it is a card that I often use in my battles.

  • Has a really low mana cost (4).
  • He has 6 life points which are many for a card that costs only 4 mana.
  • Has an average speed (3)
  • Has two skills: Fly and Reach


Thanks to the Flying ability, Manticore is more likely to avoid melee and ranged attacks.


Thanks to the ability Reach, Manticore can attack from the second position instead of only the first.

  • It costs: 0.25 $
    In the following image you can see the most interesting levels to bring Manticore to:
  • Level 2: Increases its attack by one unit (1 -> 2)
  • Level 4: This is the level with the best cost / benefit ratio.
    Life becomes 8 and acquires a new ability: Thorns


Thanks to this ability every time he suffers a melee attack he can attack the card from which he suffered the attack.

  • Level 5: The attachment points become 3
    My manticore is level 3 but I am going to take it to level 4.


A battle of mine with Manticore


If you want to see the battle you can do it from this link:

In the battle of this post I had the following conditions to respect:


As you well know, the maximum number of deployable cards is 7 (1 summoner + 6 monsters).

I chose to deploy (in order of position):

Sea Monster - Manticore - Gelatinous Cube - Crustacean King - Phantom of the Abyss - Water Elemental

Daria Dragonscale (Summoner)

First position

Sea Monster.jpg

I put Sea Monster (Level 6) in first position.

Sea Monster is a community card that has good statistics.
It has an excellent attack (5) that Daria Drangonscale brings to 6.
I deployed Sea Monster because its healing ability is very useful in this battle and its Thorns ability will allow me, in the worst case scenario, to attack an opposing card at least once.

Second position

Manticore level 3.jpg

In second position I put Manticore (Level 3) (The protagonist of the contest).

Manticore is an excellent card to deploy when the battle rule is Earthquake, it must be placed in second position and can make a difference.
A very useful card. It has a low mana cost (4) and a full 7 life.
Thanks to Daria Dragonscale her attack becomes 3 points.
A card that should not be missing in any collection.

Third position


In third position I put Gelatinous Cube (Level 6).

I already wrote it in a previous post, level 6 Gelatinous Cube is a truly exceptional card.

It has two abilities:



Thanks to this ability Gelatinuous Cube increases its life by one unit each time a card (both opponent and friend) is eliminated.



Thanks to this ability Gelatinuous Cube is able to restore a part of his life points at each round.

A really strong and difficult card to eliminate. Very useful when there are many mana available as in the battle of this post.

Fourth position

Crustacean King level 3.jpg

In fourth position I deployed Crustacean King (Level 3).

Although the "Earthquake" battle rule is not conducive to Crustacean King, for two rounds of the game it can heal the monster in first position and attack.
It's a card I use often.

Fifth position

Phantom of the Abyss level 1.jpg)

In fifth position I deployed Phantom of the Abyss (Level 1).

A good magic attack (3), a great speed (6) but a high mana cost (10).

Phantom of the Abyss is a very strong legendary card. Her high speed combined with her two abilities allows her to avoid many attacks.

Sixth position

Water Elemental level 3.jpg

In sixth and final position I deployed Water Elemental (Level 3).

She does not have the Flying ability but has the ability to heal herself every turn.
He also has excellent speed (5) and good attack (3).



The summoner I chose is Daria Dragonscale Level 4.

He is a summoner that I think is underestimated, it costs little compared to its value. In fact, Daria Dragonscale at level 4 allows you to summon level 7 community cards, level 5 rare cards, level 4 rare cards and level 3 legendary cards.

I wrote an previous post on Daria Dragonscale: @libertycrypto27/daria-dragonscale-vs-malric-inferno-considerations

Thanks to his ability all my melee attack cards get one more attack point.

battle copia.jpg


Why did I win the battle?

If you look at the statistics in the following table, the battle was very balanced at the start.


I won the battle because I deployed cards according to the Earthquake and Weak Magic battle rules.
Battle rules are very important and disregarding them often means losing the battle.
My opponent didn't take it into account and in fact in the second round the forces in play totally change in my favor.



After the first earthquake the difference between the total points (life points + armor points) between me and my opponent clearly passes in my favor.
In the first round the difference was + 1 in my favor.
At the start of the second round it becomes + 9 in my favor.


The importance of combat rules

We all make mistakes but in this battle my opponent pays little attention to the battle rules gives me a great help.

When the battle rule is Earthquake all cards in play that do not have the ** Flying ** ability lose two life at the end of each round.
My opponent only deploys a card with the ability Flying against my two cards.

When the battle rule is Weak Magic the magic cards become less strong and the attack strength becomes equal to the cards with distance attack.

My opponent deploys three cards with magic attack while I deploy only one.


Gelatinous Cube (Level 6)

In the battle of this post Gelatinous Cube was important.
Ever since I took it to level 6 every time I have a lot of mana available I always deploy it.

Gelatinous Cube creates a defense wall for cards placed in subsequent positions.
To understand how strong it becomes when it reaches level six, just look at how the battle ends: it starts from 11 life points and ends with 16 life points.



When I use Manticore

I use Manticore very often.
An excellent card from all points of view.
As the card to be deployed in second position it is one of the best at least in the league in which I participate.
Manticore becomes even more useful in some circumstances.
Determinants are the "Rules of combat".

Fighting rules favorable to Manticore


This is the circumstance in which Manticore becomes very useful.
Her ability to fly makes her immune to the effects of the earthquake.


Since Manticore has no armor points, this combat rule allows Manticore to become a more palatable card.

The ideal situation for Manticore?

When the battle has both battle rules: Earthquake and Unprotected



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Splinterlands is a beautiful game but it is above all an excellent investment (my personal opinion).

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See you on the Splinterlands battlefields.

Unless otherwise indicated, the images in this post are screenshots taken from the site:


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