If all you want is to be entertained keep reading, if all you want is to be entertained and informed keep reading, if you care for neither, you're just bored and you saw this post, you'd want to finish this one because its not just another Splinterlands post and you'll see why.
I haven't shown off matches where I won using the Dragon summoner before, they're one of my favorites and it just happened that this weeks challenge was to win using the Manticore.
The dude looks equipped, claws, stings, fangs, wings, must be made from the depths of Splinterhell by almighty Gloridax himself. Story has it that it is a cross of a Lion, Scorpion, Dragon and other deadly materials.
How cool! it would serve as a perfect guard but it doesn't answer to anyone lol. Am about to show you how I combined the ability of Daria the dragonscale with that of Manticore and the Vigilator for maximum damage.
If you're looking for finesse on Splinterlands look no more, you're in the home of finesse, it is right here in the replay of this game. Click this link to open.
Its all about the strategy in using what you have to getting what you want. Now, in the dragon Splinter, I have two dragon summoners, Drake of Anark - with a shield buffer and Daria Dragonscale - with a melee buffer. Choosing the Daria was a more strategic choice, see my line up to know why.
The Vigilator( Rating 4/5)
Peacebringer ( Rating 3/5)
The next behind the vigilator is the Peacebringer, one of my favorites as well because of it low mana of 4 and a nice ranged attack of 3 damage. Even though it has a fairly low life count, if used in strategic positions it will serve for long and serve very well. Tested and trusted.
Manticore (Rating 3/5)
Followed by Manticore, one of my favorites because it has a fairly low mana of 4, and is well equipped with melee damage of 2, can fly, can reach and comes with 7 life at level 3. Sweeet!!! Also the Manticore is this posts MVP. Don't forget that combining the Manticore with Daria gives it a melee buff which makes it have an extra damage.
Divine Healer (Rating 3/5)
Right behind the Manticore was the Divine healer, just incase one of the monsters in front needed to replenish the health and I'm a fan of magic attacks, so why not kill 2 birds with one stone. I like the Divine healer for obvious reasons but mostly because it has a low mana of 3 and can be so effective.
Silvershed Knight (Rating 2/5)
Ladies, gentlemen and bots, I present to you...
Silvershed Assasin (Rating 3/5)
With this strategy, I got double the melee attack for my melee monsters which led to double the action and led to the tremendous win. If you've followed from the beginning, I bet I've passed on my mystery vials of excitement along to you and I'm sure you've been entertained.
Don't forget that if you don't have a steem account or haven't bought any cards, you can still play for fun by registering with your Email address. This will allow you access to a lite account. The real deal is when you buy your cards and build your deck, because only then will you have access to tournaments, daily and season quests.
If you're game, I'm always up for a challenge. Hit me up and get your ass whooped.
Battle till you drop!!!! See ya.