My Experience with Mathematics


I'm not surprised by my experiences from the onset of my relationship with what seems a-thousand-accomplishing. I wasn't friendly with Mathematics beginning from my preliminary stage, relating to my primary and secondary school experiences.

I was someone that love mathematics but the kind of teachers around me couldn't impact appropriate knowledge as required to become a guru. I remembered for my first time having a very dangerous score that even my two eyes couldn't withhold the struggle to cry.

Even when I was enrolled for West African Examination Council (WAEC) 2015 Academic session, the result gave me a blow to seat-up. I could remember scoring F9 in my nine papers including mathematics and I was like “ What's happening to me. Is there anything I can force into action inorder to get my real plan? ”.

Normally when a child results appear in such manner, it simply shows lack of preparations. And F9 means failure. Not even Pass or Good or Average or Excellent, “ failure ”. I hate failure ehh! I exclaimed. Failure is a stubborn man substance. I was born to win and so why should I fail?

One thing about failure is that, failure does not keep you at a glance. Unless you don't want to make a difference, but if you desire an uplifts, you will inputs additional efforts to see that the word:


is removed from your results.

Just as I've been told severally, I had to put on the brace of focusity and Hardwork. I started attending extra moral classes and competing with other elites, especially those within my field of study. I didn't just know how it happen, but I could proudly stood up amidst other scholars answering difficult questions in mathematics.

I started teaching students subjects that I didn't expect. Wow!! I could teach Mathematics very well without breaking down.

How good was he at math? Was it difficult for you to learn them?

It wasn't friendly. I had to impact myself with extra discipline. There are things I couldn't do just to have that knowledge and become more logical. Mathematics require attention. You can't become gurudified in Mathematics without paying close attention to how the formulars are stretched.

Share an anecdote while you were studying this area of knowledge

Like I said earlier, Mathematics wasn't friendly to me. However I applied a technique that contributed to me becoming the picture-perfect of my dream. I formed a midnight study section. And once it's midnight, my alarm would wake me up and I would start with a single topic. I will ensure that nomatter how diffidents that topic is, I must by God's Grace break it to pieces.

And you know what? Don't ever run away from hard topics. That is where your deliverance lies. Nail it. For sure, you can come out successfully, if only it's your determination.

Do you remember any topic that was easy for you to understand? Which was the most complicated?

Yes. I remembered Quadratic Equation. Though it can be more complex to some learners. But, after much attention assign to it, I was even able to solve advance problems using that method. The most complicated was the Angle Régulation. It took time before I was able to master the reading and construction of angles using their various parameters.

What do you think is the importance of mathematics in everyday life?

  1. It help one to become logical in thinking and sensibility.
  2. It help one to be statistical in presenting of pure analysis.
  3. It contributes to the influence of the market capital.
  4. It enable even the less to understand the aspects of calculation without using the mechanical calculator.

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In conclusion, Mathematics is our real life. Everything requires logistics and calculations. You can make it.... Think about it today.

I invite @bossj23, @ngoenyi and @miyexi to participate in this contest

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