Estimados usuarios de RECREATIVE STEEM
Les recordamos que para cumplir este fácil proceso solo es necesario hacer un comentario en este post con una foto y un cartel que contenga escrito
- Nombre de usuario
- fecha de posteo
- Nombre de la comunidad
De forma adicional, todos los usuarios debe haber presentado su logro 1 dentro de Newcomers Community por lo que deberá dejar también el link de tal logro.
¡Les mostramos algunos ejemplos de algunos miembros hoy verificados!
- A lo largo de la última actualización se registraron los siguientes resultados.
Las verificaciones que no cumplieron con el requisito deben repetir el proceso de verificación en esta actualización.
In English!
Recreative Steem, we are very happy with the growth we have had due to the integration of our new members, who have successfully obtained their badge of member of the community , who today are part of the creation of the content protocol, participating daily through their exclusive publications.
As always, once again we reiterate the commitment to keep our community in perfect harmony, respecting and establishing rules to avoid plagiarism and content recycling, it has been hard work that we have been doing in the best possible way!
The user verification process within the community is the opportunity for each member to present themselves to the family of moderators who will serve as guides and monitors that the rules are met within the community, such as tolerance, respect, no plagiarism, no recycling and any other type of abuse that may occur.
We remind you that to complete this easy process it is only necessary to make a comment on this post with a photo and a poster containing writing
- Username
- post date
- Community Name
Additionally, all users must have presented their achievement 1 within the Newcomers Community so you must also leave the link of such achievement.
We show you some examples of some members verified today!
Throughout the last update the following results were recorded.
Verifications that did not meet the requirement must repeat the verification process in this update.
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